PixLite 4 V1.1 User Manual V1.3
© 2015 Advatek Lighting Pty Ltd
3.2 - Output Fuses
Each individual output is protected by a mini blade fuse. You may use any value of fuse, up to and
including 7.5A, depending on your specific application. Individual outputs should not exceed 7.5A
and the total current should not exceed 30A. If you require more current than this, then you will
need to inject power into the pixels directly off board.
The logic circuitry is protected by a 1A mini blade fuse. This is located on the lower right-hand edge
of the board.
3.3 - Control Data
Control data to the PixLite 4 is achieved via the via the single horizontal Ethernet jack. The controller
supports Streaming ACN (sACN / E1.31) or Art-Net data.
Installing Lights
The lights can be screwed into the 4 way pluggable screw terminal connectors on each of the four
outputs. The pin out of the connectors is labeled on the silkscreen as well as in Figure 2 on the
following page.