ZP9D-115RM-LR Radio Modem
HT (Time before Wake-up
Initializer) Command
<Sleep (Low Power)> The HT
command is used to set/read the
time of inactivity (no serial or RF
data is sent or received) before a
wake-up initializer is sent by a TX
(transmitting) RF module. The HT
parameter should be set shorter
than inactivity timeout [ST
Command] time of any RX
(receiving) modules operating in
Cyclic Sleep (SM=4-8). The wake-
up initializer sent by the TX module
instructs all RX modules to remain
awake to receive RF data.
From the RX module perspective: After HT time elapses and the inactivity timeout [ST
Command] is met, the RX module goes into cyclic sleep. In cyclic sleep, the RX module
wakes once per sleep interval [SM Command] to check for a wake-up initializer. When a
wake-up initializer is detected, the module stays awake to receive data. The wake-up
initializer must be longer than the cyclic sleep interval to ensure that sleeping modules
detect incoming data.
When HT time elapses, the TX module knows it needs to send a wake-up Initializer for all
RX modules to remain awake and receive the next transmission.
HV (Hardware Version) Command
<Diagnostics> The HV command is
used to read the hardware version of
the RF module.
ID (Modem VID) Command
<Networking & Security> The ID
command is used to set/read the
VID (Vendor Identification Number)
of the RF module. Zlinx Radio
Modems must have matching VIDs
in order to communicate.
AT Command: ATHT
Binary Command: 0x03 (3 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF [x 100
Default Parameter Value: 0xFFFF (wake-up
initializer will not be sent)
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Related Commands: LH (Wake-up Initializer
Timer), SM (Sleep Mode), ST (Time before
AT Command: ATHV
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF [Read-only]
AT Command: ATID
Binary Command: 0x27 (39 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0x11 - 0x7FFF (user-settable)
0 - 0x10 & 0x8000 - 0xFFFF (factory-set)
Default Parameter Value: 0x3332 (13106d)
Number of Bytes Returned: 2