ROM-5420 User Manual
Chapter 3
Battery Test
Execute the following commands to run the battery application on ROM-5420.
Read mV
# i2cset -f -y 4 0x30 0x82 0x05
# RAWDATA=`i2cget -f -y 4 0x30 0x80 w`
# echo $((RAWDATA % 256 * 256 + RAWDATA / 256))mV
ROM-5420 platform is an embedded system with Linux kernel 3.0.35 inside. It con-
tains all system-required shell commands and drivers ready for ROM-5420 platform.
We do not offer IDE developing environment in ROM-5420 BSP, users can evaluate
and develop under Ubuntu 10.04LTS environment and the BSP for ROM-5420 sup-
ports console mode only.
There are three major boot components for Linux, “u-boot.bin”, “uImage” and “File
System”. The “u-boot.bin” is for initializing peripheral hardware parameters; the “uIm-
age” is the Linux kernel image and the “File System” is for Linux O.S. used.
It will not be able to boot into Linux environment successfully if one of above three
files is missing from booting media (SD card, SATA HDD or onboard flash)
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce software development of ROM-5420 to
you, so that you can develop your own application(s) efficiently.
ROM-5420 is designed for supporting Linux host only so you may fail developing
your AP on Windows/Android host PC. For now the official supported host version is
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, host PC in any other version may have compatibility issue. In this
case, we strongly recommend to have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installed to your host PC
before start ROM-5420 evaluation/development.