ADAM-4550 User's Manual
1. Introduction
ADAM-4550 is an economical, wireless RS-232/
485 converter designed to interface any bidi-
rectional RS-485 device with a control center
host computer. The ADAM-4550 can be used
in data acquisition where data sensors are in-
accessible to the host computer due to wiring
difficulties or long distances that make wiring
impractical or impossible.
1.1 Built-in Intelligence
The ADAM-4550 is equipped with an on-board
microprocessor and a radio-frequency (RF)
module that can be used to interface one host
computer with multiple RS-485 networks. Each
RS-485 network can be used to support nu-
merous data acquisition devices.
1.2 Features
Built-in microprocessor
Data transmission speeds up to 115.2 Kbps
Built-in RS-485 line surge protection
Software configurable address and baud
Easily mounted on DIN rails, panels or as a
piggyback unit.
All communication setup information stored
on system EEPROM
Automatically sets RS-232 port to DTE/DCE
and automatic RS-485 data flow control
Can be used as point to point or point to
points communication
Can be operated with address or without