W900iTR User Guide
Digital Setup
Digital configuration is done by means of the W900iMTR’s built in browser interface. It should be
powered on and connected at least temporarily to a network containing a computer that can run a
conventional web browser.
Copy the ipfinder.exe from the CD, placing it on your desktop or in a convenient folder. You can also
download the file from:
Note that this utility only runs on MS Windows, not linux or MAC. If you must use a non- Windows
computer for configuration, make sure your subnet mask allows your computer to see
Connect to that default IP address with your web browser, continuing the setup procedure with step 6.
Run the IP Discovery Utility, ipfinder.exe and you should see a window similar to this:
The AW900MTR should appear in the list at the default IP address of If it does not, click
“Search” to regenerate the list. If it still does not appear, you have a connection issue and need to re-
examine the cabling or you may have a firewall issue on your computer.