Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer User Guide
Chapter 3
Instrument operation
Read and follow all instructions carefully.
WARNING: Handle all biohazardous materials according to established good laboratory practices and follow your
institution exposure control plan. Persons handling blood and body fluid samples must be trained in blood-borne hazards
and should observe Universal Precautions for Preventing Transmission of Bloodborne Infections as defined by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Universal Precautions guideline provides infection control by
treating all blood and body fluids as if known to be infectious. Use personal protective equipment such as gloves, gowns,
etc., to prevent exposure. Store biohazardous materials in regulated waste containers and dispose of these materials in a
safe and acceptable manner that is in compliance with all country, state and local requirements.
If a biohazardous material is spilled on or inside the equipment, decontaminate the equipment using a 1% bleach
solution, or as outlined by those policies and procedures established within your institution.
To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this product in an explosive atmosphere.
Use caution and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) if you must put your hands inside the osmometer.
Placing hands into the opening could result in skin punctures or other injuries.
3.1 Daily procedure
Your Osmo1 unit was factory-calibrated, so you can begin using it as soon as you have unpacked it and completed the
installation and setup steps described in Chapter 1.
As outlined below, your daily procedure should include verifying the calibration by testing control and/or reference
solutions. For information about recommended controls and reference solutions, see “Quality control” on page 7.
Prepare the osmometer for testing.
See “Preparing the Osmo1 for testing” on page 25.
Verify the calibration:
Test an appropriate control or reference solution (see “Quality control” on page 7).
Follow the instructions in “Testing procedure” on page 26.
Evaluate the results of the control test:
If the results are within the expected range:
Continue to step 3 to begin testing samples.
If the results are not within the expected range:
Recalibrate the Osmo1 as directed in “Calibration procedure”
on page 30; then repeat step 2.1 and step 2.2 to verify the calibration.
Do not proceed to step 3 until appropriate controls and/or
reference solutions yield values in the expected range.
After verifying the calibration, test samples as directed in “Testing procedure” on page 26.