The VE WHDTV is indicated for use as an accessory to an endoscopic surgical
camera during general surgery, general laparoscopy, nasopharyngoscopy, ear
endoscopy, sinusoscopy, and plastic surgery wherever a laparoscope/endoscope/
arthroscope is indicated for use.
Some of the more common endoscopic surgeries where the VE WHDTV
is indicated for use include: cholecystectomy; hernia repair; appendectomy;
pelvic lymph node dissection; hysterectomy; laparoscopic and thoracoscopic
anterior spinal fusion; anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction; knee,
shoulder, and small-joint arthroscopy; decompression fixation; wedge resection;
flexible endoscopy; urology and gynecology; lung and pleural biopsy; dorsal
sympathectomy; pleurodesis; internal mammary artery dissection for coronary
artery bypass; coronary artery bypass grafting where endoscopic visualization
is indicated; and examination of the evacuated cardiac chamber during
performance of valve replacement .
There are no known contraindications.