Installing the SH9HU, SH7HU, SH7HU-R and 1HU Equipment Shelves
Installation and Commissioning Manual
7 R
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ADVA AG Optical Netw
Connecting the Power
The FSP 3000R7 can optionally be powered by AC or DC.
This section lists prerequisites and important safety guidelines, and provides
procedures to follow, when connecting electrical power to the FSP 3000R7 sys-
This section contains the following subsections:
Special Knowledge Required
Personnel who are connecting power to a shelf must be a trained electrician,
they must know standard electrical safety, electrical wiring and connection prac-
tices used in the installation of electrical equipment.
Personnel must possess the skills and experience for power cabling and must
have knowledge related to the electrical equipment required for an FSP3000R7
installation, for example DC power. It is assumed that personnel have received
safety training on the hazards involved. Personnel must be knowledgeable of at
least the following electrical standards:
IEC/EN 60950-1, EN 50110-1-2, ETSI EN 300132-2, ETSI EN 300253 and
EN 50310;
NFPA 70 or CSA C22.1 or IEC 60364, Part 1 through Part 7; and
Other relevant local and national electrical codes.
This knowledge is mandatory for personnel working with voltage levels capable
of causing injury.
DC Power
DC Power Considerations
A DC powered shelf operates nominally at -48 V DC (positive conductor of the
power source is earthed). For redundancy, the shelf requires two power inputs
(designated as Power A and Power B or Power 1 and Power 2). One power
input should be connected to Power A (primary power supply) and the other one
should be connected to Power B (backup power supply). If only one power
source is used and that source fails, the shelves cease to operate.
For connecting the AC power supply, see the section
Cords to SH7HU and SH1HU-R Shelves
The DC-powered shelves are not intended to be directly connected to a central-
ized DC-power system. These shelves do not have a separate power ON/OFF
switch. Each shelf must be switched on or off using properly rated double-pole
circuit breakers or single pole fuses, which have to be implemented in the build-
ing or system wiring.
In 48 V DC systems (< 60 V DC) for locations not higher than 2000 m above sea
level, a 2-core power cable or a 3-core power cable can be used for connecting
the 7HU Shelf (SH7HU, SH7HU-R). If the site is located at an altitude higher