The stove’s connecting pipe for external air supply has an external diameter of 78 mm, to which you need a
pipe with a diameter of 80 mm. If the pipework is longer than 100 cm, or if the pipe bends, the resistance in
the pipe increases significantly. Negative pressure outside on the sheltered side of the house can also affect
the resistance of the pipe significantly. In these situations, the pipe should have a diameter of minimum 100
mm. It may also require a stronger chimney draft, which you can achieve by installing a stronger fan (Aduro
Air Booster) or even better: an
You can easily test the resistance in the pipe by opening a window close to the stove, disconnect the
external air supply and then light up the stove. If the combustion looks different than before, there is too
much resistance in the external air supply. If the pipework is further than 1 m the pipe diameter must be
increased to 100 mm and a correspondingly larger wall valve must be chosen. In warm rooms the channel
should be insulated with 30 mm mineral wool covered with a damp-proof course (plastic). It is important that
the lead-in between the pipe and the wall (or floor) is sealed with jointing compound. You can for instance
use the complete
Using the stove without external air supply
In very well-insulated houses, or houses with powerful cooker hoods and/or air conditioning systems, a
vacuum can be created around the wood burning stove, leading to smoke leakage and poor combustion. In
these circumstances, it might be necessary to open a window to provide air for the combustion and to
equalize the vacuum. Alternatively, you could place an air vent in the room where the stove is placed.
2.5 Electrical connection
The hybrid stove comes with approx. 1.5 meter of cable with a Europlug, that should be connected to a 230V
/ 50Hz outlet. Power consumption during operation is approx. 33 watts. The cord must be positioned so it is
not in contact with hot surfaces or pointed objects.
3. Operating the hybrid stove
You can operate the hybrid stove in three ways:
1. Through the control panel on the stove.
2. Through the app Aduro Hybrid and the Wi-
Fi module “Aduro” in the near of the stove