Section 61213075L2-5E
Issue 5, February 2011
CLEI Code: NCD3EG6A_ _
Trademarks: Any brand names and product names included in this document are
trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.
1. General .................................................................... 1
2. Installation............................................................... 3
3. Turnup ..................................................................... 5
4. Operation................................................................. 6
5. Testing................................................................... 26
6. Maintenance .......................................................... 28
7. Specifications ........................................................ 28
8. Warranty and Customer Service ........................... 28
Figure 1. NIU3 PM...................................................... 1
Figure 2. DS3 NIU3 PM Loopback Diagram ............. 2
Figure 3. Shelf Power Connection .............................. 4
Figure 4. AC/DC Transformer Connection................. 4
Figure 5. Power Supply/Rectifier Connection ............ 4
Figure 6. Front Panel DB-9 Pin Assignments............. 8
Figure 7. Adtran NIU3 Main Menu Screen............... 10
Figure 8. NIU3 Unit Information Screen .................. 10
Figure 9. Provisioning Screen ................................... 11
Figure 10. Status Screen............................................ 12
Figure 11. Troubleshooting Screen ........................... 13
Figure 12. Guidance Screen ...................................... 14
Figure 13. Loopback and Test Commands Screen,
NTWK LBK Active.................................... 15
Figure 14. Loopback and Test Commands Screen, Pat-
tern Active................................................... 16
Figure 15. 15-Minute Performance History .............. 17
Figure 16. 60-Minute Performance History .............. 17
Figure 17. 24-Hour Performance History ................. 18
Figure 18. 30-Day Performance History ................... 18
Figure 19. Performance Thresholds Screen .............. 19
Figure 20. Change Performance Threshold Screen... 19
Figure 21. Performance History Data Definitions 1 . 20
Figure 22. Performance History Data Definitions 2 . 20
Figure 23. Event History Screen ............................... 21
Figure 24. Alarm Log Screen.................................... 22
Figure 25. Set Circuit ID and Scratch Pad ................ 23
Figure 26. Set System Date and Time....................... 23
Figure 27. Terminal Modes Menu............................. 24
Figure 28. Software Download ................................. 24
Figure 29. Loopback Block Diagrams ...................... 27
Table 1. Compliance Codes ........................................ 3
Table 2. LED Indications ............................................ 5
Table 3. Fault Conditions............................................ 7
Table 4. Definition of Screen Abbreviations .............. 8
Table 5. Software Upgrade Procedure ...................... 25
Table 6. Specifications and Compliance................... 29
Figure 1. NIU3 PM
DS3 Network Interface Unit with
Performance Monitoring (NIU3 PM) provides a demar-
cation and loopback point for DS3 circuits. The NIU3
PM can be deployed as a single unit or in two different
shelf configurations with up to 12 units. The NIU3 PM
provides troubleshooting suggestions, performance
monitoring and event history information through an
RS-232 craft interface. The NIU3 PM is transparent to
data transmission during normal operation.
shows the front panel of the NIU3 PM, P/N 1213075L2.
DS3 Network Interface Unit with Performance Monitoring
Installation and Maintenance Practice