All ADTE CH units are factory calibrated per P .0. instructions.
Usually, a complete recalibration is not required unless it is
required to change input types, output types or the range of
the unit. Most calibrations will only require a ZERO and
SPAN adjustment.
NOTE: For recalibration to the existing range proceed to
section 6.3; for new input or output range proceed as follows.
A. Open the case to gain access to pcb boards. The larger
pcb board is the input pcb and the smaller pcb is the
output/power pcb.
The ADTECH Model SGT 302 Isolated Voltage/Current
Transmitter accepts both current and voltage inputs.
The SGT 302 has been set at the factory per the input/output
marked on the label. It is easy to change the type of input. All
inputs listed in Table 1 can be changed by simply selecting
the appropriate header jumpers J2 to JS on page 3.
The output has been factory set as marked on the serial
number tag. However, it is easy to change the type of output
if so desired. All outputs shown in Table 3 can be easily
selected by selection of jumpers J1 and J2 on the output
pc board.
To perform a calibration check or re-calibration of the
instrument follow this procedure.
A. Make sure the unit 1/0 wiring is properly connected and
that the correct power source per the label is also
connected. The instrument must be at normal power
for a minimum of 2 minutes before proceeding to B.
B. The input signal source(s) must be adjustable from Oto
100% in steps of 10% or at least 25%. The source(s)
should be either precalibrated or an accurate meter
must be used to monitor the input(s).
C. The output may be monitored either as a direct voltage
for a voltage output signal or as a current that can be
read as a voltage across a resistor shunt e.g. 1-5 VDC
across 250 ohms fro 4-20 mA DC.
D. Set the input source to minimum input value and adjust
the multiturn potentiometer marked ZERO to provide
the minimum calibrated output (e.g.) 4.00 ma ± 0.01
ma de. Note: For zero based outputs it is better to set
input at 10% and adjust for 10% output for ZERO
E. Set the input source to maximum value and adjust the
multiturn potentiometer marked SPAN to provide
the maximum calibrated output (e.g.) 20.00 ma
± 0.01 ma de.
F. Repeat steps D and E until readings are within
G. The instrument should now be checked at 25-50-75%
of span minimum for linearity.
H. This completes the calibration.
This section offers a simple, first level trouble-shooting aid
for an apparent instrument malfunction.
No output
1. Check the input and output connections
2. Check that the power supply polarity is
correct and that power is present on the
instrument terminals.
3. Check that the input source(s) is correct
and that it changes magnitude between
zero and full scale values when so
4. If the output is a current signal (4-20 ma,
etc.), make sure the output loop is
complete and that the correct meter range
is selected.
All external checks are complete. Problem
seems to be internal.
The instrument is made of small components.
Troubleshooting beyond the above may be difficult without
special equipment. We do not recommend attempting repair
of the unit in the field. ADTECH offers a very responsive
repair policy. Contact the ADTE CH factory for information on
repair and return at 716-383-8280 or 716-383-8386 (FAX).
190-A-000076- B