background image

Step 1

To the left is a picture of the dialog box
that will notify you that Windows has
detected your new hardware.

Step 2

Windows will now automatically run the

"Add  New Hardware Wizard." Select
the first option "Search for the best driv-
er..." and click the "Next" button.

Step 3

You will now see a box that asks where
you would like to search for the drivers.
Select the "CD-ROM" option. Make sure
you have the Windows 98 SE, Windows
2000, or Windows ME CD inserted in
your CD-ROM drive. After you have
done this, click on the "Next" button.

Step 4

After Windows locates your new driver

on the Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000,
or Win ME CD, it will ask if you would
like to install the driver. Select the first
option that says "The Updated Driver"
then click the "Next" button.

Driver Installation for Windows
