To get set up for e-mailing:
Choose Edit > Preferences.
Select E-mail from the list of preferences at the left side of the dialog box.
From the Send E-Mail Using pop-up menu, select your preferred e-mail program.
Select a size from the Presets For pop-up menu to select a resolution for attached photos:
Big to send a high-quality photo. The file size will be larger, but the resolution of the photo will be good, so the
printed photo will look great. Big is the best choice even for on-screen viewing if you want the recipient to have
the best viewing experience, or if download speed isn't a big concern (if you and the recipient have a high-speed
Internet connection).
Medium to send a good-quality photo. The file size of individual photos will be about average, making this a good
selection if you want to send photos without losing a lot of detail. Medium is the setting that works well for most
Small to send photos with small file sizes. When you decrease the file size, your photos will lose quality, which will
be most noticeable in photos with large file sizes. Small is recommended only when your priority is to minimize
file size. Small photos generally don’t print well.
Leave As Is to keep the settings of the photo. If you choose this option, you won’t be able to use the settings under
Size and Quality. Choose this option if you want the recipient to be able to produce the best-quality prints.
A file with higher resolution keeps more detail, so it’s a good idea to set the resolution at the highest practical level for
the way you’re going to share your photo. As you lower the resolution, the details in your photo will be lost.
Though there are standard sizes provided for Small, Medium, and Large, you can change the definitions of these
three sizes if you’d like. From the Maximum Photo Size pop-up menu, choose a maximum width and height for the
attached photo. Keep in mind that the size of the attached photo affects how quickly the e-mail will download.
The setting you specify here will become the default, but you can always change the size setting for each individual
e-mail. Furthermore, the pixel dimensions you choose are only maximums; when a photo is compressed to fit these dimen-
sions, its original ratio of width to height is preserved.
Drag the Quality slider to the left to export a smaller, less detailed file, or to the right for a larger, more detailed file.
Click OK to save the e-mail settings and return to the main Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 window.
If you use Web-based e-mail, Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 may not be able to automatically create e-mail
messages and attach files, but it will still create the attachments for you. You’ll need to manually attach the file that
Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 produces to your e-mail message.
E-mailing your photos
When you want to share your photos with friends and family, you can quickly attach images to an e-mail message
with the click of a button. If your photos have tags attached, you can include the tags with your attachments, and
recipients with Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 can import the tags into their own catalogs when they import
the photos.
To e-mail photos:
Select one or more photos in the Photo Well.
Click the Share button
in the shortcuts bar, and then choose E-mail from the pop-up menu. Follow the
on-screen instructions to choose recipients and specify a format for the attachment.