ADJ Products, LLC www.adj.com - WiFly NE1 Page 12
ADJ Products, LLC www.adj.com - WiFly NE1 Page 13
2. Select the fixture(s), 1-12, that you wish to edit. Turn the
DIAL/ENTER dial to menu option 5 (Edit Light Lib). Press the
DIAL/ENTER dial to enter. Turn the DIAL/ENTER dial to select
the fixture that you wish to edit. Press the DIAL/ENTER dial to
save and confirm.
3. Turn the EFFECT dials, 1-4, to adjust the relevant channel
data. Turn the DIAL/ENTER dial to access additional channels.
Press the DIAL/ENTER dial to save and confirm.
Save Data To USB
Note: This option allows you to store all of your controllers data
to the included USB stick. Up to 12 data files can be stored on
the stick. File names are automatically generated as CONFIG01
- CONFIG12. These file name cannot be changed. If changed,
the controller will not recognize them when you attempt to up-
load it.
1. Press the SET-UP button for two seconds to enter the main
2. Turn the DIAL/ENTER dial to menu option 8 (Save Data to
USB). Press the DIAL/ENTER dial to enter
3. Using the function buttons 1-12, select the file button that
you wish to save to. If you select button #4, for example, the file
will be stored on the USB stick as “CONFIG04”.
Note: If you have a flashing green FUNCTION button, this
means you already have data stored in that location. So
if you do not want to overwrite it, do not select a flashing
green button.
Load Data From USB
Note: This option can only be used if you already have data
from a WiFly NE1 controller stored on your USB stick. Data files
will appear in your computer as CONFIG01-CONFIG12. These
WiFly NE1 Operation
files cannot be renamed. Otherwise, the controller will not rec-
ognize them.
1. Press and hold the SET-UP button for two seconds to enter
the main menu.
2. Turn the DIAL/ENTER dial to menu option 9 (Load Data from
USB). Press the DIAL/ENTER dial to enter.
3. Usin the FUNCTION buttons 1-12, select the file button that
you wish to upload into your computer.
Note: Green flashing FUNCTION buttons indicate there is
data stored there and are available to be selected. If you
select a non-flashing button, you will get a “Operation Fail-
ure!” error.
Format The USB
Note: This function should be used with caution as all data on
the USB stick will be erased. It is highly recommended that you
back up all USB stick files to your computer before proceeding.
1. With the controllers power switch OFF, insert the USB stick
into the controllers USB port and power on the controller.
2. Press the SET-UP button for two seconds to enter the main
3. Turn the DIAL/ENTER dial to menu option 10 (Format the
USB disk). Press the DIAL/ENTER dial to enter.
4. Turn the DIAL/ENTER dial to select “YES”. Press the DIAL/
ENTER dial to excute.
Strobe Settings
This setting allows you to choose the manner in which the
STROBE button functions. It allows you to choose between
Latch and Flash. Selecting Latch will make the STROBE button
latch ON/OFF and selecting Flash will make it momentary, last-
WiFly NE1 Operation