Temperature Controller ETA 110
04.06.09 page 3
When selecting
a heating controller
, there are 3 parameters to choose from. Their significance
is shown in the table below:
Code 111:
Switching type Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Type of heating
2-point controller Hysteresis in °C
Xp controller
Control range in
Basic time
interval in sec.
Min. switch-on time sec.
Control range in
Switch-on time
in sec.
Switch-off time in sec.
The factory setting is 2-point controller with a hysteresis of 1°C.
Choose the parameter settings by using the outer button on the right: display shows „HE0“
to „HE3“. Parameter is shown in the upper three-digit display.
„HE0“: choose the switching type : 2-point(„2Pt“), XP („HP“) or interval („Int“)
„HE1“: setting parameter 1
„HE2“: setting parameter 2
„HE3“: setting parameter 3
Setting the upper- and lower limits (limit comparators): Code 113
Display shows „LCo“
Upper display shows difference to the nominal temperature value.
Minus sign in front of the number: lower limit
Plus sign in front of the number: upper limit
Setting and activating the 3 levels heating: Code 119
The graded 3-level heating has a nominal temperature value and two difference
values. These difference values for the temperature are entered under code 119.
Once the graded heating is activated, you are restricted to entering only the 2-
point behaviour with hysteresis under Code 111 and under Code 101 only the
heating „HEAt“.
If the actual temperature is above the nominal temperature value, both relays are
inactive. Within the first temperature window d1 (see diagram) relay 1 is
energised, within the second temperature window d2, relay2 is energised and
below the second temperature window both relays are energised.
graded heating
T in °C
Rel 1
2 off
d1 Rel 1 on 10°C
d2 Rel 2 on 10°C
Rel 1
2 on
After the code entry „SSH“ (select step heat) will appear in the upper display and
„On“ or. „OFF“ respectively. Use the „Plus“ button to select „On“ (enabled), use
the „Minus“ button to select „OFF“ (disabled).