AD Instruments
©Copyright Abacanto Digital SA.
Manual de usuario AD505N
1.Plug the black test lead into the -COM terminal and the red lead into the 10A
2.Place the range selector to 10A AC range.
3.Connect the tester in series with the circuit regardless to its negative and
positive polarities.
4.Read the AMP AC scale directly.
1.Plug the black test lead into the -COM terminal and the red lead into the +
2.Set the range selector to the W range appropriate for the circuit or device to
be tested.
3.Make sure that there is no voltage across the resistance to be tested.
4.Short the test leads and adjust the pointer to 0 position by turning the 0 ADJ.
5.Connect the test leads to the resistor or device to be tested.
6.Read the scale (green) in accordance with the reference table in Page 19.
1.Plug the black test lead into the -COM terminal and red lead into the +
2.Place the range selector to the ACV range appropriate for the circuit to be
tested. (2.5ACV for - 20 to +10dB, 10ACV for -8 to +22dB, 50ACV for +6 to
+36dB, 25ACV for +20 - +50dB, 1000ACV for +32 to +62dB).
3.Connect the test leads to the circuit to be tested and read the dB scale
refering the reference table in Page 19.