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User Manual
CAN /Ethernet - Converter
Document code: MN67644_ENG Revision 1.200 Page 24 of 41
Figure 3g: “Set Communication
Wi-Fi” window
In the field “
” the type of security protocol used by the Wi-Fi network is defined;
If the field “
Enable DHCP
” is checked, the converter acts as DHCP Server for the Clients connected. If the option is enabled, in the
fields “
DHCP First IP Address
” and “
” the IP Addresses range used for DHCP is defined. In the field “
Time (seconds)
” the required time for the renewing of the IP Address assigned to the Client is defined;
In the field “
Max Client
” the maximum number of Wi-Fi Clients accepted is defined;
In the field “
” the channel for Wi-Fi communication is defined;
In the field “
IP Address
” the IP address of Ethernet device to which addressing the messages is defined (only for
Transparent Mode).
The means of the fields for Client configuration are:
If the field “
Obtain an IP Address automatically
” is checked, the
converter gets the IP Address using DHCP. Otherwise, the IP Address is
defined as static;
In the field “
IP Address
” the IP address of the converter is defined;
In the field “
Subnet Mask
” the SubNet Mask of the converter is defined;
In the field “
” the default gateway of the net is defined. This
feature can be enabled or disabled pressing the Check Box field. This feature
is used for going out of the net;
In the field “
” the DNS address is defined. This field is required if the
server address is define by URL and not IP Address.
In the field “
” the port used for Ethernet communication is defined;
In the field “
” the name of the Wi-Fi network to connect is defined;
In the field “
” the password used to connect to the Wi-Fi network
is defined;
In the field “
IP Address
” the IP address of Ethernet device to
which addressing the messages is defined (only for Transparent Mode).