Electronic Devices S.r.l.
User Manual
M-Bus Wireless / Ethernet
Document code: MN67084_ENG Revision 1.001 Page 18 of 22
The Bytes that compose the frame are these:
Byte Number
wM-Bus Data Lenght (*)
2 ÷ n
wM-Bus Data
(2 ÷ n) + 1
LQI (**)
(2 ÷ n) + 2
RSSI (***)
(*) present if “Lenght” option is checked
(**) present if “Link Quality Indication” option is checked
(***) present if “Received Signal Strenght Indication” option is checked
In the section “Set Communication” they are enabled the fields “Lenght”, “Received Signal Strenght Indication” and “Link Quality Indication”.
The frame sent by the wM-Bus node is: 44 A2 05 26 01 00 26 01 1B 7A F6 00 00 20 2F 2F 02 66 ED 00 01 FB 1B 2F 2F 2F 2F 2F 2F 2F
The converter will send this Ethernet frame:
1E 44 A2 05 26 01 00 26 01 1B 7A F6 00 00 20 2F 2F 02 66 ED 00 01 FB 1B 2F 2F 2F 2F 2F 2F 2F 01 A4
In the section “Set Communication” they are enabled the fields “Lenght” and “Received Signal Strenght Indication”.
The frame sent by the wM-Bus node is: 44 C5 14 37 07 50 31 00 07 7A 8A 2B 00 20 2F 2F 04 6D 2E 2F FF 13 04 13 38 30 00 00 01 FD 17
48 04 78 C1 A9 E0 01 (hex).
The converter will send this Ethernet frame:
26 44 C5 14 37 07 50 31 00 07 7A 8A 2B 00 20 2F 2F 04 6D 2E 2F FF 13 04 13 38 30 00 00 01 FD 17 48 04 78 C1 A9 E0 01 C2