MODBUS compatibility
The ARF35 is MODBUS RTU and ASCII compatible, if the following recommendation is
fulfilled: the radio rate and the serial rate must be equivalent (this for avoiding a MODBUS
packet splitting).
With the 10 kbit version (radio rate) the serial speed must be 9 600 baud
With the 40 kbit version (radio rate) the serial speed must be 38 400 baud
Sending a serial command using HYPERTERMINAL
The serial command can be sent using a standard terminal. Hereafter an illustration is done
HyperTerminal and the SLI command
Step 1.
First you must edit a text file and type the command you want to send (without any
additional character): SLI.
Step 2.
When saved, check the length of the text file in its properties
the size MUST be 3
for the SLI command
Step 3.
, configure the serial parameter to 9600, 8 bits, 1 stop, no parity
Step 4.
Send the text file created in step 1
Step 5.
The terminal must display all registers values.
: When using a terminal in WINDOWS environment, the delay between
characters is not guaranteed. Even if you are sending the command using a text file (as
describe above) you can have some delay between the characters
if so, the modem is not
able to successfully retrieve the requested command. Try to use another terminal or another