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For Windows PC or MAC

 - press and release the Power button on 

PreciseTouch within 0.5 seconds. There will be a beep, indicating that 
the 4-point calibration has started. Tap on the cursor as it will appear on 
the edges of the working surface with the PrecisePen, starting with top-left. 
There will be beeps every time a point is calibrated. After 4 points are 
calibrated, there will be two short beeps - calibration is done and the device 
is ready for use.

For Android

 - press and hold the Power button on PreciseTouch for 2 

seconds. There will be a long beep, indicating that the 4-point calibration 
has started. Tap on the cursor as it will appear on the edges of the working 
surface with the PrecisePen, starting with top-left. There will be beeps every 
time a point is calibrated. After 4 points are calibrated, there will be two 
short beeps - calibration is done and the device is ready for use.

* Calibration of each point must not take longer than 40 seconds, otherwise 
calibration will be cancelled.
* Do not move the pen while calibrating a point. Calibration is successful
 when there is a beep.
* Long beep after calibration indicates a data error in calibration. This can 
be caused by incorrect calibration or large positional deviation. Please 
restart the process.

Step 5. 

After calibration is complete, it is done - PreciseTouch is ready 

to work.
