Page 2: ... lONED USER DEmNCTDNS l6 General Rules on Authority Levels l6 ToAccess Another Partition GOTO Command l6 ToAddAUser 17 To ChangeA User s Code 17 To Delete A User 17 mouBLEmNDmloNs l8 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM l9 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN RECOMMENDATIONS 2O Emergency Evacuation 2l GLOSSARY Z SUMMARY OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATIONS 23 FWSTA MENT 25 THELIMITATIONSOF THISALARMSYSTEM 26 W W 28 About This Manual T...
Page 3: ...ration various the system can also transmit sensors which provide perimeter and appropriate alarm or status messages interior burglary protection plus a over the phone lines to a central alarm selected number of strategically monitoring station placed smoke or combustion detectors designed to provide early warning in case of fire ALPHA CONSOLE THE ALPHA DISPLAY CONSOLE features a multifunction bac...
Page 4: ...forming To view your authority level and capabilities enter your code t Note that if Quick Arming was programmedby tie installer the key can be pressed in place of the security code when arming the system The securitycode muststill be used to disarm the system however ENTRY EXIT DELAYS Your system is programmed by the installer with preset time delays during which the system must be disarmed upon ...
Page 5: ... to BYPASS selected zones of protection while leaving the rest of the system armed The system also provides a CHIME mode for alerting users to the opening and closing of doors and windows while the system is disarmed Refer to the other sections of this manual for procedures for using these features SUMMARY OF ARMING MODES Mode I Features For Each Arming Mode I ExitDelay EntryDelay PerimeterArmed I...
Page 6: ...Turns on off the CHIME mode When on any entry througha delay or perimeterzone while the system is disarmed will cause a toneto soundat the Console s KEY Permits ARMING of the 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 KEYS 0 9 Used to enter your indtildualsecurityaccess code s ml KEY Allows the entry of additional user codes that can be givento otherusersof the system w KEY When depressed prior to arming the system t...
Page 7: ...iMPORTANT When using the keypad to enter codes and commands sequential key depressions must be made within 3 seconds of one another If 3 seconds elapses without a key depression the entry is aborted and must be re eated from its b innin 7 ...
Page 8: ...n points will be The abbreviated instructions for the displayed These points must be either closed or bypassed before key will appear first the system can be armed The followed by the descriptors Ready message will be displayed programmed for your system when all protection zones have Displaying all descriptors is useful been either closed or bypassed when you need to know the zone number of a par...
Page 9: ...s are removed when an OFF sequence security code plus OFF is performed WITH ONE OR MOFit LWNES QUICK BYPASS FEATURE To automatically bypass all open faulted zones tithout having enter each opened zone numbec 1 Enter the security code 2 Press the 1 6 key 3 Press the key Wait for to all bypassed zones to be sequentially displayed then continue with step 4 of normal procedure DISPLAYING BYPASSED ZONE...
Page 10: ...ound throughout the exit delay period Perimeter protection is in effect immediately except entry delay zone if STAY key is pressed STAYI KEY RESULT Arms sensors guarding doors and windows with entry delay on Late arrivals can enter through the entry delay zone door and disarm the system within the entry delay period without causing an alarm See your installer for actual delay times set for your sy...
Page 11: ...ter through the entry delay zone door and disarm the system within the entry delay period without causing an alarm See your installer for actual delay times set for your system Alarms will occur instantly when any protection point interior or exterior is violated except the entry delay zone door if AWAY key pressed which will activate an alarm if the system is not disarmed within the entry delay p...
Page 12: ...ese will clear only zone descriptor displayed and when the fire zone is again intact repeat step 1 to restore the Ready message display If the message See SUMMARY OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION section for will not display go to the displayed protection zone and remedy the information which will enable you to fault close windows etc If the distinguish between FIRE and fault cannot be remedied notify BURG...
Page 13: ...ssage will appear for about two seconds then disappear To display this message again to determine whether chime mode is on or off simply press and hold down the 9 key for5 seconds To turn Chime Mode off enter the security code and press the 9 key again The CHIME MODE OFF message will appear for about two seconds then disappear I VIEWING CENTRAL STATION MESSAGES Users of the system may periodically...
Page 14: ...RESULT if programmed for siient emergency by your installer and the system is connected to a central alarm monitoring station the control wiil send a silent alarm signai to the central station but there will be no audible alarms or visuai dispiays if programmed for audible emergency by your installer a loud steady alarm will sound at your console and at any externai sounders that may be connected ...
Page 15: ... v s 70ne 99 KEY 1 disp aved as Tone 95 KEY 3 discdaved as zo ne 96J SECURITY SYSTEM PROTECTION POINT DESCRIPTIONS ID DESCRIPTION ID DESCRIPTION ID DESCRIPTION 1 23 45 2 24 46 3 25 47 4 26 48 5 27 49 6 28 50 7 29 51 8 30 52 9 31 53 10 32 54 11 33 55 12 34 56 13 35 57 14 36 58 15 37 59 16 38 60 17 39 61 18 40 62 19 41 63 20 42 64 21 43 22 44 TD numbers01 64 representsensor detectorprotectionzones I...
Page 17: ... for next and previous categories respectively to display t h e categories of events Press 8 to select a category and display the first event Press 8 again for each subsequent event I PaOlml 12 02AM Tvnkal Event Press the desired key Oor 1 SCAN LOG BY PART 10 NO 1 8 PART I Entering O NO will partitions events display all ALARM EVENTLOO Displaystime and date for zones that have either caused an ala...
Page 18: ...See your Installer for information concerning the event log ...
Page 19: ...r and window in turn Each action should produce three beeps from the Console and the identification of each protection point should appear on the display 6 7 8 9 Ii Walk in front of any interior motion detectors if used Listen for three beeps as the detector senses movement The identification of the detector should appear when it is activated Follow the manufacturer s instructions to test all smok...
Page 20: ... silent panic I alarm to the central station if that service is connected I Ieral Rules on Authoritv Levels and chanaes A user may not delete or cha ge the user code of the SAME or HIGHER authority than which he is assigned A user may only ADD users to a LOWER authority level A user may assgn user access to other partitions only if he himself has access to those partitions The only way to assign a...
Page 21: ...l be displayed etc When ali partitionshave been displayed the consoie wiil scroli throughall partitionsto which access has been assigned and willdisplaythe usernumber authoriwlevelandglobal Note thatthe G foliowingtheauthority ievei indicates that the globai arm feature has been seiected for this user in the dispiayed partition The indicates the partition from which the usercan be changedor dsiete...
Page 22: ... display If the display persists CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY 3 A display of COMM FAILURE at the Console indicates that a failure has occurred in the telephone communication portion of your system CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY 4 A display of LO BAT and a zone descriptor accompanied by a once per minute beeping at the Console indicates that a low battery condition exists in the wireless transmitter ...
Page 23: and notify your local Fire Department immediately If no flames or smoke are apparent investigate the cause of the alarm The zone descriptor of the zone s in an alarm condition will be displayed at the Console Note Approval of the panel s burglar alarm functions does not fall within the California State Fire Marshal s area of jurisdiction SILENCING A FIRE ALARM 1 2 3 4 Silence the alarm by ente...
Page 24: ...n each additional story of the family living unit including basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics In addition it is recommended that the householder consider the use of heat or smoke detectors in the living room dining room bedroom s kitchen hallway s attic furnace room utility and storage rooms basements and attached garages DINING 4 L KITCHEN BEDROOM BEDROOM A I o 1 SIREN CO...
Page 25: can be used to escape Indicate escape routes for each room Keep these routes free from obstruction and post copies of the escape routes in every room UErEL l Id FLOOR I 1 I U I 4 5 6 7 8 Assure that all bedroom doors are shut while you are asleep This will prevent deadly smoke from entering while you escape Try the door If the door is hot check your alternate escape route If the door is cool op...
Page 26: ...nual ZONE A specific area of protection PARTITION An independent group of zones that can be armed and disarmed without affecting other zones or users BYPASS To disarm a specific area of burglary protection while leaving other areas operational DELAY ZONE An area of protection containing doors most frequently used to enter or exit typically a front door back door or door from the garage into the bu...
Page 27: ... zones am displayed One beep is heard for each zone displayed Subsequently the following is displayed DISARMED BYPASS Ready to Arm Opened Zone identifications will appear LO BAT displayed with descriptionof transmitter ARMED AWAY or ARMED MAXfMUM is disrhved Red ARMED indicatoris lit a ARMED STAY ZONE BYPASSED or ARMED INSTANT ZONE BYPASSED is displayed Red ARMED indicatoris lit b CHfME displayed ...
Page 28: it and the receiver are on different branch circuits f necessary the user should consult the dealer or an experienced adioltelevision technician for additional suggestions rhe user or installer may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal communications Commission helpful Interference Handbook rhis booklet is available from the U S Government Printing Office Washington C 20402 rhe use...
Page 29: ...nstalled and positioned Smoke detectors may not sense fires that start where smoke cannot reach the detectors such as in chimneys in walls or roofs or on the other side of closed doors Smoke detectors also may not sense a fire on another level of a residence or building A second floor detector for example may not sense a first floor or basement fire Moreover smoke detectors have sensing limitation...
Page 30: ...esponds to the emergency as intended however occupants may have insufficient time to protect themselves from the emergency situation In the case of a monitored alarm system authorities may not respond appropriately This eaui ment like other electrical devices is subject to component failure Even though this equipment is designed to last as long as 1 O years the electronic components could fail at ...
Page 32: ...setvice your alarm system Arranging some kind of regular service program with him is advisable Your local Ademco dealer is PHONE ADENICOJ ALARM DEVICE MANUFACTURING CO DNSON W PITWVAY cWWGfATiON 165 Eileen Way 6yosset New York 11791 N5943V4 6 93 Copyright 1992 PITTWAY CORPORATION ...