Fixing the Height Rod
– Remove the height rod from packing material and loosen the 2 screws on the lower side.
– Guide the height rod through the green fixing device you find on the column and fix it firmly
by using the green fixing device on the platform with the 2 screws.
– Make sure the screws are pulled tight.
The scale is now ready to be used. Take it to the working area and make sure the ground is
even and smooth.
Correct weighing and measuring
Zero adjustment
Before first use of the scale and to make sure that the scale indicates the correct weight it has
to be set to ZERO manually.
– First step on and off the scale for several times to make sure that all parts come back into
the right position after transport.
– For zero setting procedure the platform must remain empty.
– In case the pointer did not return 100% to the zero point you may adjust the it by careful
twisting the adjusting screw you find underneath the head of the scale.
– Double check your adjustment by stepping on and off the scale again.
– After zero adjustment the scale is ready for use.
A periodically zero setting according to the previous instructions should
be done. This applies especially if the scale is used in a different place, on
a different surface.
– Step on the platform and make sure your feet are placed evenly on it.
– Immediate readout on the dial.
– Adjust the measuring tongue to a horizontal position and slide it up.
– Step on the platform and slide the measuring tongue down to your head.
– Take the result from the readout point.