Video link
The ALIF101T unit is supplied with a DVI-D (single link) video connector. Video signals
at pixel clocks up to 165MHz (equivalent to a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1200 at
60Hz) are permissible.
To make a video link
1 Connect the ALIF101T video connector to the DVI-D socket of the host computer:
DVI-D video
Network link
ALIF transmitters and receivers can either be connected directly to each other or via a
high speed network.
A single Gigabit Ethernet port is located on the front panel. For direct links via Ethernet
cable, the length of cable should not exceed 100 metres (328 feet). Network cables
used for connections may be category 5, 5e, 6 or 7 twisted-pair cable. The ALIF101T
unit has an auto-sensing capability on its network interfaces, so for direct point-to-point
connections, no ‘crossover’ Ethernet cable is required.
for important tips about networking ALIF units.
To link the ALIF101T unit
1 Connect a CAT 5, 5e, 6, or 7 cable to the Gigabit Ethernet socket on the front panel
of the ALIF101T unit.
2 Connect the other end of the cable either directly to an ALIF receiver or to a Gigabit
Ethernet switch, as appropriate.
3 [For connections via a network] repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other ALIF unit(s).
CAT 5, 5e, 6, or 7 link
either directly from
the other ALIF unit
or from a Gigabit
Ethernet switch