Unit Name
Name details that you can alter to distinguish this unit from all others. The name entered here will be read by
A.I.M. units (if used) for administration purposes.
Unit Description
Allows you to optionally add a description of the unit, such as its location. Useful when many ALIF units are being used.
System port
This section determines the IP address, netmask and gateway details for the main Gigabit Ethernet port located
on the right side of the front panel. The default IP address is which is the zero config IP address
that allows the unit to work immediately in point-to-point mode. You are recommended to change this to an
appropriate address in the private IP range 192.168.xxx.xxx
The default netmask is If you change the IP address to the private range, you are recommended to
change this to The default gateway address is
Management port (ALIF dual models only - not shown in screenshot left)
Determines whether the port on the left side of the front panel is enabled and which IP address details it should use.
The default IP address is You are recommended to leave this address unchanged (or at least keep such
addresses constant across all of your ALIF dual units) so that all visiting engineers will know which address to use.
Teaming port
Determines whether the SFP socket on the right side of the front panel is enabled and which IP address details
it should use. The default IP address is which is the zero config IP address that allows the unit to
work immediately in point-to-point mode. You are recommended to change this to an appropriate address in
the private IP range 192.168.xxx.xxx The default netmask is If you change the IP address to the
private range, you are recommended to change this to
The default gateway address is
Note: Before the Teaming port can be used for connection via a network,
you need to ensure that the System port has been configured away from its zero config IP address.
Enable options
These checkboxes allow you to determine which peripheral options will be used: Video, audio, USB and serial.
Serial port options
These allow you to match the serial configuration being used by the attached PC host.
Identify unit
When clicked, these buttons cause the front panel indicators to flash to assist with identifying the ALIF unit
within a rack.
• The Identify Unit (short) button flashes the indicators for five seconds.
• The Identify Unit (long) button flashes the indicators for one hour but can be overridden by clicking the
Identify Unit (short) button.
The Thumbnail shows snap shots of the video feeds that are connected and reports the video resolutions/color
depths that have been detected. Click the Refresh Thumbnail button to update.
Target Multicast Configuration
The items within this section are required if a multicast group is being arranged i.e. many receivers connected
to the one transmitter. For the video port(s) and/or audio channel, you need to enter the multicast IP
addresses. In each case, the first address relates to the System (Gigabit Ethernet) port and the second address
to the optional Teaming port.
In previous revisions of firmware, the destination IP address for video was decided by the RX. If multiple RX
units requested the same video source then all had to provide the same multicast destination IP address. In
revision 3.3 and above, the TX now decides the destination IP address for video and automatically informs any
interested RX units. In a system with a mix of new and old units, both RX and TX units must be configured
with the same destination IP address for video.
Note: All multicast addresses for each service endpoint
be unique across the whole ALIF installation.
TX System Configuration