USER’S MANUAL V-line 899x.xxx/LPG
This document is a guideline for the user how to proceed when installing, attending and maintaining the
dispenser. The information included in the present instructions are mandatory and the manufacturer does
not accept any responsibility for any damage due to their non-observance.
In the complex of the filling station, the dispenser is taken for a component of the dedicated gas
equipment subject to checks and revisions in the line of valid regulations anchored in the Filling station
operating regulation.
In the manufacturing plant, every dispenser is tested as to function, safety and metrology. User’s manual,
EC statement of a conformity and a service book with identification of the fuel dispenser components are
the parts of the dispenser delivery.
Dispensers are manufactured with high accuracy and care for the sake of their long term reliable and
safety operation. In time its operation it is necessary to keep primary safety codes, which first of all
protect the users before a possible accident and also the fuel dispenser before damage
The dispenser has been designed for outdoor installation
Location/ Environmental class
Machanical class
M 2 – with Beta Control ADPxxx electronic calculator
M 1 – with UNIDATAZ CDC electronic calculator
Elektromagnetická třída
E 2 - with Beta Control ADPxxx electronic calculator
E 1 – with UNIDATAZ CDC electronic calculator
The dispenser shall not be installed in an explosion danger zone 0, 1, 2 in compliance with
zones specified in the EN 60079-10-1!
Important instructions for installation and operation:
Prior to proceed to the dispenser handling, study these Operating User’s manual and other
manufacturer’s documents belonging to the dispenser accessories carefully.
Check the dispenser delivery for completeness and in the case of any discrepancy or damage, inform
supplier or the manufacturer without delay.
Ensure the proper storage of the dispenser in a dry and protected room for the pre-installing period.
Prior to installation, check the dispenser for the completeness of the filling station technology against
the valid project, and revise the connecting dimensions of the base frame including the outlet of the
piping system.
Rinse the technological equipment (piping systems) through the filtering device and continue rinsing
until the filtering device remains free of impurities.
With respect to operating safety it is necessary at dispenser installation situate with connection of
dispensing hose in the direction of exit from the filling station.
The dispenser requires the connection to the return piping of a DN 16 (1/2“) inner diameter.
Connect the dispenser electrical equipment and revise it.
Carry out the pressure test of the dispenser including its piping systems with a 2,5 MPa pressure and
revise it.
For putting the dispenser into operation, proceed in accordance with the point 16.
Carry out the test for proper function and entrust the metrological verification to a metrological
authority representative.
On meeting all of these requirements and after the approval by the representatives of the
metrological authority, the standard operation may start.
The servicing interventions should be entrusted to the properly trained personnel of the service firm