Speaker Placement
Tweeter at the height of ears
The Tweeter should be positioned approximately at the height of your ears. In
case you need to position the speaker in a significant lower or higher position,
the monitor should be angled accordingly.
fig 3:
Tweeter at height of ears / speaker angling
The Stereo Triangle
If the loudspeaker is going to be used for stereo applications, the optimum
listening position should be at the top of an imaginary equilateral triangle
with the two loudspeakers should be placed at the other two points of this
triangle (see fig. 6).
The loudspeakers should be aligned with the listener’s position.
fig. 4:
Stereo Triangle
• both loudspeaker and the listening spot should
form a equilateral triangle with approx. the
same distances between loudspeakers and the
loudspeakers / the listening spot
• alignment towards listening spot