Download the PC Connect for Windows Software
The PC Connect for Windows software is available online as a free download.
An instruction manual for PC Connect for Windows is included (PDF file) when
you download the software. Read the manual to learn how to setup
PC Connect for Windows preferences and features.
Download PC Connect for Windows software to your computer by visiting:
Or, you can navigate to the page above using the following path:
www.acurite.com > Support > Manuals & Downloads > Downloads > PC Connect
Click the “setupacu-link” file you downloaded and follow the on-screen
instructions to install the PC Connect for Windows software. A folder
named “AcuRite” will be installed on your computer.
After PC Connect for
Windows is installed on
your computer, open the
PC Connect app. Verify
that the display unit is
powered on with the AC
power adapter plugged
in, then connect the small end of the USB cable into the USB port located
inside the battery compartment on the back of the display unit.
Connect the larger end of the
USB cable into a USB port on
your computer.
USB functions on the display
unit are OFF by default. Verify
the display unit is powered on and receiving data from the outdoor
sensor. Next, set the mode on the display unit. Set to mode 3 for full PC
Connect for Windows functionality, or see page 9 for a description of all
available modes.
Select the SAME USB mode in the PC Connect for Windows software that
you chose on your display unit.
PC Connect for Windows is now ready for use.
Please note that it may
take up to 1 minute for the PC Connect for Windows software to begin
receiving data from the display unit.