No rainfall:
Display shows
Dashes indicate that the display unit and rainfall
collector are not synchronized.
• Relocate the display unit and/or the rainfall collector.
The units must be within 165 ft (50 m) of each other.
• Make sure both units are placed at least 3 feet (.9 m)
away from electronics that may interfere with the
wireless communication (such as TVs, microwaves,
computers, etc).
• Use standard alkaline batteries. Do not use heavy
duty or rechargeable batteries. NOTE: It may take up
to 20 minutes for display unit and rainfall collector to
synchronize after batteries are replaced.
• Try resetting the units:
1. Bring both the display unit and rainfall collector
indoors and position side by side.
2. Remove the batteries from both units.
3. Reinstall batteries in the rain collector first.
4. Reinstall batteries in the display unit last.
5. Let the units sit within a couple feet of each other
for 20 minutes to gain a strong connection.
No rainfall:
Display shows
Remove rain collector cover. Please make sure that you
have removed the foam rain gauge stabilizer. Does
the tipping lever flip back and forth easily? Try tipping
it manually to see if it will register as rain. If not, try
the reset steps listed above.
Rainfall registering
when there’s
no rain
• Make sure the rain collector is mounted securely so
that it cannot move or sway in the wind. The rain
collector should be mounted on a solid and level
surface in a clear area away from any overhead
obstructions that may block rainfall.
• Make sure you are using standard alkaline batteries
(not heavy duty, max or rechargeable).
Can the rainfall collector
remain outdoors in
freezing temperatures?
No, the rainfall collector should be brought indoors when
there is a possibility of freezing temperatures. Water
expands when it freezes. If any water is left within the
collector during a freeze, it can crack the plastic and
cause permanent damage.
Display screen
not working
• Check that the batteries are installed correctly.
Batteries may need to be replaced.
If your AcuRite product does not operate properly after trying
the troubleshooting steps, visit www.AcuRite.com or call
(877) 221-1252 for assistance.