NMEA Conversion Gateway - NGW-1
Configuring using NMEA Reader
In the majority of cases, configuration of an NGW-1 is not required as it communicates at the standard
4800 baud rate for NMEA 0183 devices (38400 for the AIS firmware) by default. All available conversions
are enabled by default so the only conversion related configuration option is to reduce the number of
conversions carried out by the NGW-1. Checking extra boxes in the PGN enable lists in NMEA Reader that
weren’t initially checked will have no effect.
All available conversions being enabled on the NGW-1 should not cause conflicts as NMEA 0183 devices
are usually good at recognising data that they don’t require and ignoring it. NMEA 2000 is also very good at
handling data.
If you still wish to configure the NGW-1, this can be done using the freely available NMEA Reader.
Connecting the NGW-1 to NMEA Reader
Connect the NGW-1 to the PC (refer to “Connnecting to a PC/laptop” on page 6) and run the NMEA
Reader program. Select the port number the Baud rate for the NGW-1. The default Baud rate for the NGW-
1 is 4800 with the standard Firmware and 38400 with the AIS Firmware. NMEA Reader will attempt to
communicate with the NGW-1. Once successful the ‘Hardware Config’ tab will become available and the
green LED indicator next to the Baud selection will flash.
Note: You must open the port at the Baud rate the NGW-1 is configured to use, there is no auto Baud
Changing the Baud rate
At the bottom of the ‘Hardware Config’ tab there is a ‘Port Config’ section. Under ‘Serial Baud Rate’ there
are 2 drop down boxes, one of which is disabled. Select the new Baud rate you require for the device and
click ‘Apply’. The new setting will be sent to the NGW-1 which will reboot. NMEA Reader will re-open the
connection at the new Baud rate.
It is not possible to configure the inputs and outputs of the NGW-1 to operate at separate baud rates.
Note: Do not make any other configuration changes when setting the Baud rate. Some changes may be
lost when setting the new Baud rate.
Note: Only the USB variant of the NGW-1 is capable of Baud rates above 115200. Do not change the Baud
rate of the other varients to above 115200. Doing so may prevent the NGW-1 from communicating and may
require the return of the unit.
Selecting PGNs for Conversion
NB: If making more than a few changes to the enabled conversions in the NGW-1, you will need to
temporarily increase the Baud rate. Remember to change it back when finished.