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Connect to an Available Wireless Network
When there is more than one available network detected by Windows XP, the OS will
prompt you to select and connect to a preferred network.
To connect to an available wireless network, right-click the network connection icon
in the notification area, and then click “View Available Wireless Networks”.
In Connect to Wireless Network, under “available networks”, select the wireless
network that you want to connect to. If a network key is required and is automatically
provided for you, then leave “network key” blank. If the network key is not
automatically provided for you, then type the key in “Network key”. Click Connect to
establish the network connection.
If you are either unable to make a connection to the wireless network that you selected
or need to configure additional wireless network connection settings, click Advanced
in Connect to Wireless Network, and the Wireless Networks tab will appear.
You can configure a new wireless network connection by clicking Add, and specifying
the network name (SSID) in Wireless Network Properties, and the wireless network
key settings, if needed.
If the network connection that you are configuring is an ad hoc network, then select
“This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network; wireless access points are not
used” check box. The network will be added under “Preferred networks” in the
Wireless Networks tab.
You can change the order of the preferred networks by selecting the wireless network
that you want to reposition on the list, and then clicking Move up or Move down.
You can change the wireless network connection setting s of a preferred network by
selecting the wireless network, clicking Properties, and then changing the settings as
To remove a wireless network from the list of preferred networks, select the wireless
network that you want to remove, and then click Remove.
If a network is not defined in the preferred networks list, but you know it is available
and you want t automatically connect to it, then click Advanced in the Wireless
Networks tab, and select the “Automatically connect to non-preferred networks” check