To get to the ‘settings’ menu click on your name in the top
left corner of the screen. From here you can review and
change your In Case of Emergency Information (e.g.
medications) and Public Profile (e.g. Date of Birth and other
information helpful to emergency services). You can also
log out of the dashboard here.
Remember to click on to save your changes.
Adding ‘Fallback monitoring’
Our Fallback monitoring service gives you confidence that if none of your
responders are able to accept and alert there will be a professional who does.
Acticheck use a Telecare Services Association accredited monitoring centre
who will assess the situation and ensure it is dealt with, either by one of your
responders or by the emergency services.
If you have already subscribed to the service it will be shown on your ‘My
Responders’ screen. If you don’t have it and would like add it then click on the
‘Add Call Centre’ and follow the onscreen instructions.
IMPORTANT: If the monitoring centre needs to contact the emergency services
they will benefit from knowing your property Access Instructions ('MY BASE'
then 'Edit'), Public Profile and In Case of Emergency information (see below).
Review your settings
Your installation is now complete.
Our As a final test, after warning your responders , you could raise an alert by
squeezing your band. Do not answer your phone when it rings and this will
trigger alert calls to your responders.
There is more information and support available at www.acticheck.com/support