MT7697D IoT SiP Module
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Product Name
config write AP Ssid iot_ap
config write AP SsidLen 6
config write AP AuthMode 7
config write AP EncrypType 6
config write AP WpaPsk 87654321
config write AP WpaPskLen 8
config write common OpMode 2
press reset button on the LinkIt 7687 HDK to restart the system.
- Use a handheld device or a laptop computer to connect to the access point
'iot_ap'. In the MT7687 console, the IP address assigned to the cellphone
or laptop is shown as below.
BLE mode
Use the command 'ble ?' and enter to query the available Bluetooth command line options.
- Input the command "ble gap start_scan 0 0024 0011 1 0" in the serial tool
to scan for the nearby Bluetooth enabled devices.
- 0, passive scan.
- 0024, scan interval (36 * 0.625 ms). Two bytes long HEX value.
- 0011, scan window (17 * 0.625 ms). Two bytes long HEX value.
- 1, own address type, 1 means random address.
- 0, filter policy.
A similar log is written to the output: