Technical manual
BA 0509
Signal converter
GWA – 250 / GWAP-250
Limit value switch
for limit value supervision of
electrical signals
Evaluable Signals
Standard signals 0...10V / 0...20mA resp. 4...20mA
Temperature resistor Pt100 from –50°C...+650°C
Two limit value relays with different operation modes
Safety function with minimum or maximum safety
Double limit value function – two separated limit values
Two-position-control function – a limit value with hysteresis
Configurable switching delay
Simple operation per key coding switch for adjusting the
limit values from 0...99% of the signal range in steps of 1%
Integrated measurand transducer supply
Version with remote control available
Wide range power supply from 20 to 253V AC and DC
L a u t e r b a c h s t r . 5 7 – 8 4 3 0 7 E g g e n f e l d e n – G e r m a n y
T e l : + 4 9 8 7 2 1 / 9 6 6 8 - 0 – F a x : + 4 9 8 7 2 1 / 9 6 6 8 - 3 0
i n f o @ a c s - c o n t r o l s y s t e m . d e
w w w . a c s - c o n t r o l s y s t e m . d e