ACR30 Reference Manual
Version 3.3 January 2009
Page 43 of 44
Appendix C: Technical Specifications
ACR30 Smart Card Reader/Writer
Power supply
Supply voltage................................ Regulated 5V DC
Supply current ................................ < 100mA (without smart card)
Serial Communication Interface
Type ............................................... RS-232C, five lines: RxD, TxD, CTS, DTR, GND
Power source ................................. From PS/2 mouse interface
Speed ............................................. 9600 – 115200 bps
Universal Serial Bus Interface
Power source ................................. From USB
Speed ............................................. 1.5 Mbps (Low Speed)
Smart Card Interface
Standard ........................................ ISO 7816 1/2/3, T=0 and T=1
Supply current ................................ max. 50mA
Smart card read / write speed ........ 9600 – 96000 bps
Short circuit protection .................. +5V / GND on all pins
The presence of the smart card power supply voltage is indicated through a green LED on
the reader
CLK frequency ............................... 3.6864 / 4 MHz
Card connector............................... sliding contacts (8 contacts)
Card insertion cycles ...................... min. 100,000
Physical Specifications
Dimensions .................................... 67.0mm (L) x 91.6mm (W) x 16.9mm (H)
Color .............................................. Transparent Blue