– Reference Manual
Version 1.03
Page 5 of 92
1.0. Introduction
The ACM1252U-Y3 USB NFC Reader Module is a USB PC-linked contactless card reader/writer
developed based on the 13.56 Mhz contactless technology. It supports ISO 14443 Part 4 Type A and
B Cards, MIFARE® cards, FeliCa cards, and all four types of NFC (ISO/IEC 18092 tags).
The ACM1252U-Y3, which is the module version of ACR1252U, supports the three modes of NFC,
namely: NFC card reader/writer, Card emulation and Peer-to-Peer communication modes. The
ACM1252U-Y3 comes with a detachable antenna and an optional USB cable with Molex connector.
This reference manual will discuss in detail how the PC/SC APDU commands were implemented for
the contactless interface and device peripherals of the ACM1252U-Y3.