Chapter 1. Installing and Starting Work
with Acronis RecoveryExpert
Acronis RecoveryExpert System Package
Acronis RecoveryExpert system package includes:
An installation disc,
This guide,
License agreement,
Registration card,
Advertising materials.
1.2 System
To take a full advantage of Acronis RecoveryExpert one should have:
a PC-compatible computer with a Pentium CPU or similar,
32 MB RAM,
a floppy or a CD-RW drive,
VGA monitor,
a mouse (recommended).
1.3 Installation
To install the Acronis RecoveryExpert:
1. Insert the Acronis RecoveryExpert installation CD into CD-ROM drive
and start the installation procedure.
2. Carefully follow the installation program instructions on the screen.
Chapter 1 : Installing and Starting Work with Acronis RecoveryExpert