To specify the events, which you want to be informed about, you can change the monitoring
configuration - see Critical Events monitoring configuration (p. 20) article.
Reset to the original settings
link will reset exclude filters, that were specified in
(all user's changes will be lost; to return filtering back, you will have to change the
file manually), so after confirming this, messages about
critical events will be listed in the table.
Disks monitoring
Here you can see a list of all disks and their properties. To change the monitoring method, click the
link near the required disk.
In Defining disk monitoring method window select the way you want to monitor this disk - using
S.M.A.R.T. parameters or a custom script (select it by clicking Browse button). A custom script may
be used in case you need to monitor a disk with uncommon parameters. See Using custom script (p.
13) section for more information.
when finished.
Backup monitoring
Backup monitoring
configuration page contains a list of all disk and volumes that are present in your
Here you can enable or disable backup monitoring separately for each disks/partitions.
To disable backup monitoring for an individual volume, click on
link against the volume
chosen. When disabled, the volume becomes grayed out, and the link changes to
To enable backup monitoring for a volume, click on
To disable backup monitoring globally for your system, simply disable it for every individual volume.
When no volumes with monitoring enabled left, overall backup monitoring status becomes disabled.