1-1. Introduction and Description
This manual explains the installation, operation, and maintenance of the ACOM2100 HF+6 meter linear
The ACOM2100 is a complete and self-contained linear amplifier that covers all amateur bands from 1.8
through 54 MHz and provides over 1500W PEP or continuous carrier output power with less than 85W
exciter drive. Antenna VSWR up to 3:1 is acceptable with 1500W forward power. Tuning is substantially
simplified by a plate-load True Resistance Indicator (TRI) and by an automatically controlled input
attenuator. Operating parameters are displayed by a multi-functional high brightness and contrast OLED
display. Full break-in transmit/receive switching (QSK) is standard.
1-2. Owner Assistance
If assistance is needed, you should contact your local dealer first. If you still have an issue you need to
discuss with one of ACOM's specialists, the contact information is as follows: fax + 359 2 920 96 56, tel.
+ 359 2 920 97 80, e-mail [email protected], [email protected], WEB: www.acom-bg.com or
by mail: ACOM OOD, Blvd. Nikola Mushanov 151, 1330 Sofia, Bulgaria.
1-3. Equipment Supplied
The ACOM2100 amplifier and this manual are shipped in two cardboard cartons. One carton contains
the power transformer; the second carton contains the amplifier.
1-4. Features
• Easy to operate. The TRI is a powerful tuning aid that, together with the 2:1 TUNE and LOAD caps
verniers and the automatically controlled input attenuator, helps the operator to quickly and precisely
match the antenna impedance to the optimum tube load impedance (5-10 seconds typically). The auto-
operate function (when enabled) maintains the amplifier in the OPERATE mode for you, thus avoiding
unnecessary manual operations.
• No heavy outboard antenna tuners required for antenna VSWRs up to about 3:1. Your amplifier will
enable you to change antennas virtually instantaneously and allow you to use your antennas over wider
frequency ranges.
• An amplifier that is both user-friendly and that looks after itself. It is designed to safely withstand up
to 400W reflected power, up to 100 milliseconds duration of drive spikes, drive RF "tails" after a PTT
or KEY release, operator's inadvertent tuning errors etc. The amplifier also will not cease to function
with a "soft" AC mains and will deliver more than half power at only 85% of nominal mains voltage. It
can withstand voltage drops (down to zero Volts) for up to 10 milliseconds and can tolerate 15% mains
voltage spikes, which is especially important on Field Day, during DXpeditions, and at portable operating
events where emergency power is relied upon.
• OLED information display. All amplifier status indications are explained via detailed text displayed on
the dot matrix, high brightness and contrast OLED display. The upper line on the OLED always reads
peak forward power. LED indicators are provided for: OPERATE mode, attenuation-on (ATT), transmit
(TX), selected antenna output (1, 2, or 3), and ON/OFF conditions.
• Antenna selection. Three antenna outputs are selectable using a push-button on the front
• Easy maintenance. Data regarding amplifier internal status is stored in a nonvolatile memory for 7 of
the most recent auto protection trips. This information can be forwarded to your dealer for diagnostics.
Using an Excel application, available from ACOM or your dealer free of charge, and a PC you can decode
the status data by yourself.