User's Manual | ACOM 1010 | HF Linear Amplifier
Page 24 of 40 | S e c t i o n OPERATION
July 2021
It is highly advisable to re-adjust amplifier tuning when antennas have been changed.
Update tuning periodically, even if you have not changed band or antenna, in particular when a significant
change in the environment occurs (snow, ice, newly appeared or removed massive objects, alien wires
nearby etc.) that would cause significant changes in the antenna impedance.
If you use more than one antenna per band, it is necessary that you select the proper
antenna BEFORE to perform the tuning procedure outlined below.
Do not switch the
switch knob while transmitting with the amplifier! Hot
switching (while transmitting) will eventually destroy the band switch, not covered by
the warranty!
When tuning, never apply continuous drive longer than one minute without pausing for
at least one minute to allow the tube to cool.
It is recommended that for initial tuning a free frequency in the middle of the band be selected (make sure
the frequency is not being used by others so that you do not make QRM). First, with
no transceiver power
Table 4-1 Approximate tuning preset
in order to achieve an approximate
preset for both
capacitor knob settings:
Table 4-1 Approximate tuning preset
Band, MHz
Load Knob Dial
Tune Knob Dial
1.800 - 2.000
47 - 71
54 - 32
3.500 - 4.000
34 - 56
51 - 33
7.000 - 7.300
32 - 39
36 - 30
10.100 - 10.150
62 - 63
50 - 48
14.000 - 14.350
37 - 41
38 - 31
18.068 - 18.168
41 - 43
50 - 48
21.000 - 21.450
59 - 62
16 - 10
24.890 - 24.990
50 - 52
49 - 46
28.000 - 29.700
63 - 69
23 - 10
Table 4-1 Approximate tuning preset