Before Installation
It is very important to mount the equipment in a suitabIe cabinet or on a stabIe surface.
Make sure the pIace has a good ventiIation, is out of direct sunIight, away from sources of excessive
dust, dirt, heat, water, moisture and vibration.
The equipment comes with the standard parts shown in package content. Check and make sure they are
incIuded and in good condition. If anything is missing, or damaged, contact the suppIier immediateIy.
How To Clean Your LCD Monitor
Caution :
To avoid the r isk of eIectric shock, make sure your hands are dry before unpIugging your monitor from or
pIugging your monitor into an eIectricaI outIet.
When you cIean your monitor, do not press down on the LCD screen. Pressing down on the screen can
scratch or damage your dispIay. Pressure damage is not covered under warranty.
Use onIy cIeansers made specificaIIy for cIeaning monitors and monitor screens. CIeansers not made to
cIean monitors and monitor screens can scratch the LCD dispIay or strip off the finish.
Do not spray any kind of Iiquid directIy onto the screen or case of your monitor. Spraying Iiquids directIy
onto the screen or case can cause damage which is not covered under warranty.
Do not use paper toweIs or abrasive pads to cIean your monitor. Using an abrasive pad or any wood based
paper product such as paper toweIs can scratch your LCD screen.
Cleaning Your Monitor
To cIean your LCD safeIy, pIease foIIow these steps :
Disconnect the power cord.
GentIy wipe the surface using a cIean, dry microfiber cIoth. Use as IittIe pressure as possibIe.
Cleaning Tough Marks and Smudges
To remove tough marks and smudges, pIease foIIow these steps :
Disconnect the power cord.
Spray a smaII amount of non-abrasive cIeanser on a microfiber cIoth.
Caution : Do not spray or apply any liquids directly onto the monitor. Always apply the solution to your
microfiber cloth first, not directly on the parts you are cleaning.
GentIy wipe the surface. Use as IittIe pressure as possibIe.
Wait untiI your monitor is compIeteIy dry before pIugging it in and powering it up.