L eg al Inf orm ation
F irst Eng Iish pr inting, O c tober 2002
Inf or mation in this doc ument has been c ar efu IIy c hec ked for acc ur ac y; how ev er, no guar antee is giv en to the corr ectness
of the contents . T he infor mation in this doc um ent is s ubjec t to c hange w ithout notic e. W e ar e not Iiab Ie for any injury or
Ios s that r es u Its from the us e of this equipm ent.
S a f e t y I ns t r u c t i o ns
Ple ase read all of th ese in struct io ns carefu lly before yo u use th e d e vice. Save this m anu al for futu re referen ce.
● Unp Iug equipm ent befor e c Ieaning. Don’t us e Iiquid or s pr ay deter gent; us e a moist c Ioth.
● Keep equipm ent aw ay from excess iv e humidity and heat. Pref er abIy , keep it in an air -c onditioned env ir onment w ith
temper atur es not ex ceeding 40 º Ce Is ius (104 º F ahr enheit).
● When insta IIing, pIac e the equipment on a sturdy, Ieve I surfac e to pr ev ent it from acc identa IIy fa IIing and c aus ing dam
age to other equipment or injur y to per s ons near by .
● When the equip ment is in an open pos ition, do not cov er, b Ioc k or in any w ay obstr uc t the gap betw een it and the
pow er suppIy. Proper air c onvection is nec es sary to k eep it from ov er heating.
● Arr ange the equipm ent’s pow er cor d in s uc h a w ay that others w on’t trip or fa II over it .
● If you ar e us ing a pow er cor d that didn’t s hip w ith the equipment, ens ur e that it is rated for the v o Itage and cur r ent
Iabe Ied on the
equipment’s eIec tric aI r atings IabeI. T he v o Itage r ating on the c or d shou Id be higher than the one Iis ted
on the
equipment’s r atings Iabe I.
● Observ e a II pr ec autions and w arnings attac hed to the equipment.
● If you don’t intend on us ing the equip ment for a Iong time, dis c onnect it from the pow er outIet to pr ev ent being da m
aged by tr ans ient ov er-v oItage.
● Keep a II Iiquids aw ay fr om the equip ment to mini miz e the r isk of acc identa I s piIIage. Liquid s piIIed on to the pow er
s uppIy or on other har dw are may caus e da mage, fire or e Iec tr ica I s hoc k.
● On Iy qua Iif ied s erv ic e pers onne I s hou Id open the chas sis. O pening it y ourseIf cou Id damage the equipm ent and inv a Ii
date its w arranty .
● If any par t of the equipment bec omes damaged or s tops func tioning, have it c hec ked by quaIif ied s erv ice pers onne I.
W h at the w arran ty d oes not co ver
● A ny product, on w hich the s er iaI nu mber has been def ac ed, modif ied or rem oved.
● Da mage, deter ior ation or ma Ifunction r es u It ing from:
Accident, m isus e, neg Iec t, f ire, w ater, Iightning, or other acts of natur e, unauthor iz ed produc t modif ication, or
faiIur e to fo IIow ins tr uctions s upp Iied w ith the pr oduct.
Repair or attempted repair by any one not author ized by us.
A ny damage of the pr oduc t due to shipment.
Re mov aI or ins taIIation of the produc t.
Caus es ex ter na I to the pr oduct, s uc h as e Iectr ic pow er f Iuctuation or faiIure.
Us e of supp Iies or parts not meeting our s pec ific ations .
Nor ma I w ear and tear .
A ny other c aus es w hic h does not re Iate to a pr oduc t def ect.
● Remov aI, ins ta IIation, and s et- up serv ice c har ges.
Re gu lat o ry No tices Feder al Co m m un ications C om m ission ( FC C)
T his equip ment has been tes ted and f ound to c omp Iy w ith the Iimits for a CIass B digita I dev ic e, purs uant to Part 15 of the
F CC r u Ies . Thes e Iimits ar e des igned to pr ov ide r eas onab Ie protection against har mf uI interf er ence in a res identia I ins ta I-
A ny changes or modif ications made to this equipment may void the
user’s author ity to oper ate this equipm ent. This
equipment gener ates , us es, and c an radiate radio f r equency ener gy and, if not ins taIIed and us ed in ac cordanc e w ith the
ins tr uctions , m ay c aus e har mf uI interfer enc e to radio c ommunic ations .
How ev er , ther e is no guar antee that interf erenc e w iII not occur in a par ticu Iar ins taIIation. I f this equip ment does c aus e
har mfu I interfer ence to radio or te Iev is ion r eception, w hic h c an be deter mined by turning the equipment off and on, the
us er is enc our aged to try to c orr ect the interf erenc e by one or more of the fo IIow ing m eas ur es :
● Re- pos ition or reIocate the r eceiv ing antenna.
● Incr eas e the separ ation betw een the equipm ent and r ec eiver .
● Connec t the equipment into an outIet on a c irc uit differ ent from that to w hich the r eceiv er is connected.