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17” industrial Core 2 Duo Panel PC
Phoenix - Award CMOS Setup Utility OnChip IDE Device
Descriptions on each item above are as follows:
1. IDE HDD Block Mode
Block mode is also called block transfer, multiple commands, or multiple sector read/write. If your
IDE hard drive supports block mode (most new drives do), select Enabled for automatic detection of
the optimal number of block read/writes per sector the drive can support
2. IDE DMA Transfer Access
To Enable/Disable the IDE DMA transfer access
3. OnChip Primary PCI IDE
The integrated peripheral controller contains an IDE interface with support for two IDE channels. Se-
lect Enabled to activate each channel separately.
4. Primary Master/Slave PIO, Secondary Master/Slave PIO
The four IDE PIO fields allow you to set a PIO mode (0-4) for each of the four IDE devices that the
onboard IDE interface supports. Modes