First flight
Connect the controller (ESC) and the servos according to the specifications of
the receiver´s manufacturer.
Remember always: The functions of your remote control cover the functions of the model.
First switch on the remote control and then the model!
Switch off the model and then the remote!
Trim the model before every flight
– this brings the best results.
First switch on the remote, set gas to zero and connect the LiPo battery.
The CG of the model with LiPo inserted is at 4cm behind the wings edge until the middle of the plane.
Make sure that the aileron balances the wings on both sides. If both ailerons prevent a deflection which cannot be
trimmed, you need to directly align the two servo arms.
If the model is raised right and left of this point, it should be in the balance, or take the nose slightly down
By moving
the flight battery, or by adding lead weights to the nose or the tail section the CG can be moved if necessary.
focus will be moved further forward, which increases the stability, but deteriorates the glide characteristics of the
model. The focus will be moved further back, which improves the gliding properties, but the model is very unstable
and reacts very strongly to the control commands of the elevator.
Make sure that the aileron as well as the flaps correspond to the model when the TX is in neutral position. If this is not
possible with the trim of the controller, the clevis has to be turned on/off accordingly.
Do not fly this model if you have no experience!
Young pilots should always fly under observation of an experienced flier!
Only fly at good weather conditions! Keep the flaps half down at start.
You will be most successful when there are only low winds. To prevent
damages, stop flying when wind goes up to 4 Beaufort. Make sure your
frequency is not in use by anybody else around you.
Select a wide area (300x300m min) without any obstacles.
Concentrate onto the model during the whole flight!
Keep in mind: higher grass can protect the
model when you’ll have a hard
Model must be launched against the wind to start climbing in the air.
Check the range of the system before every start. Make sure that the
batteries inside the controller are new/charged.
Pull down the gas stick before you switch on the remote. Pull back the
corresponding trimmer and keep the others in middle position. Switch on the
remote first and then the model.
The model takes off after some meters at ¾ thrust. Align directional flight with
the trimmer. You can reduce the deflection of the rudder by pulling the bar
closer to the center of the servos.
Take a start helper who throws the model
smoothly against the wind while the engine is running at full power. Make sure that
the thrower does not touch the propeller.
Adjust the directional flight with the trims. If applicable, you can do this adjustment with your RC, please check the
instructions of your RC for this.