The ACL CSC400 is a leading-edge Combustion Safety Controller that provides burner ignition and full first-out annunciation
of all the shutdown inputs such as Level, High Temperature, High/Low Gas, Remote Shutdown, Pressure, Proof of Closure,
Flame Failure, Power Failure, Auxiliary 1 & 2 and more. The CSC400 monitors three separate thermocouple inputs that can
be utilized for temperature control in process applications such as tanks, line heaters, re-boilers or any other application where
accurate temperature monitoring and/or control is required. The CSC400 also provides two independent 4-20mA Inputs (level,
pressure, temperature) which can be configured as latched Low or High shutdowns. The system is designed to operate with or
without a continuous pilot.
The CSC400 controller can be configured for a wide variety of systems:
Configuration / Mode
Safety Control,
CSC400 Flame Ionization (FI) System
The CSC400 Flame Ionization (FI) System incorporates dual burner control. Each burner includes
ignition control and three solenoid outputs (Pilot, Main, Temperature Main). The CSC400 uses a
high voltage sparker to light the continuous or intermittent pilot burner. It uses a single
ignitor/flame rod to provide both flame acknowledgment and ignition per pilot burner. Either or
both burners may be enabled. An alarm will signal if the CSC400 detects that either the pilot is out,
or the flame failed to light. Once the Start button is pressed on the front of the unit, the CSC400
will automatically start sparking up to a maximum of three ignition trials providing that all
shutdowns are in a permissive state. The CSC400 can be configured to have both burners shut off if
one goes into Flame Fail, or have one remain running while indicating an alarm.
Six membrane push buttons on the face of the controller are provided: Stop/Reset, Start, Menu, Select, Up, and Down. All
options can be adjusted with the membrane push buttons on the face of the controller (including the three independent
thermocouple temperature set points). The 4-line, 20-character LED display can be configured in a variety of ways to show the
measured temperature values, temperature setpoints, 4-20mA input values, igniter/burner and solenoid status (on/off). Various
user preferences can be configured through the menu system and DIP switches including a variety of display options,
temperature ranges, shutdown latch control, 4-20 input/output configuration, temperature unit display, and dead band range
The CSC400 Controllers are able to communicate remotely with Modbus Master Devices. A Modbus Master Device may be a
Programmable Logic Controller, a PC, or another device. The CSC400 Controller is a Modbus Slave Device that implements
the Modbus RTU protocol on an RS-485, half-duplex, physical connection. The default Modbus communication parameters
are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity bits, one stop bit (“8N1”), Modbus Slave ID (Modbus address) 2.