Note 1: "H. Position", "V. Position", "Frequency" and "Tracking" functions
are not supported under HDMI or Video mode.
Note 2: "HDMI Color Range" and "HDMI Scan Info" functions are only
supported under HDMI mode.
Note 3:
Functions vary depending on model definition.
HDMI Color Range Adjust the color range of the HDMI image data to correct color display
Auto: Automatically adjust by information from player.
Limited Range: Prosess the input image as limited color range data.
Full Range: Prosess the input image as full color range data.
HDMI Scan Info
Adjust the overscan ratio of the HDMI image on screen.
Auto: Automatically adjust by information from player.
Underscan: Always no overscan on HDMI image.
Overscan: Always keep overscan on HDMI image.