1. Welcome
Thank you for purchasing Access Point! Access Point is easy to install and
easy to operate, in no time you can have your own wireless network.
This guide will lead you through the installation process in detail. It describes
most common configurations and a quick start set-up on page 29.
You need to have a basic knowledge of installation procedures for network
operating systems under Microsoft Windows 95 (or up) and Windows NT.
Advantages for Using Wireless Network
Advantages for Using a Wireless Network:
Hard to wire areas
: Access Point provides access to network services in areas
otherwise hard or expensive to wire, such as historic buildings with asbestos and
Flexible workgroups
: Lower total cost of ownership for workspaces that are
frequently reconfigured.
Networked conference rooms
: user can access the network as they move from
meeting to meeting, getting up to date access to information and the ability to
communicate decision while ‘on the go’
Ad hoc networking
: on site consultants and small workgroups increase
productivity with quick network setup and collaboration software
Branch office networking
: provides an easy to install, use and maintain network
for a remote or sales office
Campus-wide network mobility
: roaming capabilities allow enterprise to set up
easy to use wireless networks that cover the entire campus transparently.