Ind. Color Management
Adjusts the red, green, blue, cyan, yellow and magenta colors.
Ind. Hue
Adjusts the color balance of red and green.
Ind. Saturation
Adjusts the selected color to be less or more saturated color.
Ind. Gain
Adjusts the selected color's contrast.
Brilliant Color
Produces an expanded on-screen color spectrum that delivers
enhanced color saturation for bright, true-to-life images.
White Peaking
Increases the brightness of whites that are near 100%. (video
sources only)
Film Mode
Sets the image optimized to 24-frame True Film mode.
Noise Reduction
Adjusts signal noise reduction."0" means the noise reduction is off,
">0" increase noise reduction.
Black Extension
This ensures optimum black level for each analog source.
Wall color
Use this function to choose a proper color according to the wall.
There are several choices, including white, light yellow, light blue,
pink, dark green. It will compensate the color deviation due to the
wall color to show the correct image tone.
1. The certified ISF technician will calibrate and optimize the
projection image according to your actual environment. The ISF
input password will be kept by technician only.
2. “ISF Day” and “ISF Night” will not be shown in display mode if
projector equipped with ISF function has not been calibrated by an
ISF certified technician. For more information, please go to ISF
official website: https://www.imagingscience.com and contact the
dealer located in your country.
3. The ISF calibration will be charged and guaranteed by ISF
certified calibrator, and thereby Acer is not responsible for the
calibration service.
Low Input Lag
Use this function to make the projected screen smoothly without
any lag.
<Note> When the setting is set to "On", the 3D/Aspect Ratio/
Keystone/H. Position/V. Position/HDMI Scan Info/Tracking/Digital
Zoom function will be reset to its factory default settings.