• Replacement of bulbs, fluorescent tubes,
fuses and electrical connections including
12n and 12s plugs, high level brake lights
and bulb contacts.
• Adjustment and natural movement of
internal doors, flaps and furniture.
• Audio equipment including radios,
speakers, aerials and associated parts.
• Bent corner steadies.
• Fair wear and tear, accidental damage or
any damage caused by the misuse of any
component fitted by the manufacturer.
• Routine maintenance items which are
part of the annual service including
lubricants, rubber gas hose, the cleaning
of the heater and fridge flues, the
replacement of gas jets, the resealing
and/or replacement of shower room
sealant, and the adjustment and
lubrication of locks.
General terms applying to all three years
of the warranty period
The motorhome is not covered for:-
• The failure of a component for reasons of
fair wear and tear.
• Damage resulting from accidents.
• Misuse of any component.
• Normal deterioration or negligence of any
person other than the Swift Group
Limited which causes stoppage of or
impairment to the function of any
component of the motorhome.
• Replacement of parts which have
reached the end of their effective working
life because of age and/or usage.
• Cleaning or adjustment of any
The warranty will be invalidated if the
motorhome has been neglected, misused,
modified or for hire or reward. The
motorhome will be deemed to have been
neglected if it has not been serviced and
maintained as stated in this handbook.
The warranty only applies to motorhomes
purchased and used within the UK, and for
continuous journeys abroad of no longer
than 90 days per journey.
The cost of transporting, towing or moving
the motorhome by any means to or from the
place of repair is the responsibility of the
The benefit of this warranty may be
transferred to a new owner if the motorhome
is sold, provided that the motorhome has
been serviced by an authorised Swift Group
Service Centre in accordance with the
requirements of this handbook, and details
of the change of ownership have been
supplied to Swift Group using the change of
ownership form set out in this handbook.
Failure to notify Swift Group of a change of
ownership within 14 days of such a change
will invalidate the warranty.
This warranty only applies to motorhomes
purchased in the UK.
You have legal rights under UK law
governing the sale of consumer goods. This
warranty does not affect your legal rights.
The name and address of the warranty
provider is:-
Swift Group Limited
Dunswell Road
East Yorkshire
HU16 4JX
To make a claim under this warranty, contact
the Swift Group Service Centre which
supplied your motorhome. Alternatively,
details of your nearest authorised Swift
Group Service Centre can be obtained by
contacting the Swift Group Customer Care
Department on 01482 875740, or enquiring
on the website www.swiftleisure.co.uk