M2SmartSE_Set_Brief Overview_V1.11_en_fr
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Fig. 49: Attaching and removing the upper plug-in module
Fig. 50: Attaching and removing the lower plug-in module
When attaching and removing the modules, please do not reach into the area of the plug-in sliding
mechanism, as there is a risk of injury due to jamming during sliding.
When attaching and removing the modules, please do not reach
into the area of the plug-in sliding mechanism, as there is a risk of
injury due to jamming during sliding.
9.5 The individual modules in detail
9.5.1 M2UHF-RFID Shortrange
The M2UHF-RFID Shortrange is described below. It is a plug-in module for reading UHF-RFID tags, which
can be used for the upper plug-in sliding mechanism.