AccuMed C5 User Manual Download Page 2

Blood pressure measurements determined with C5 are equivalent to those obtained by 
a trained observer using cuff/stethoscope auscultation method, within the limits pre-
scribed by the American National Standard, Electronic or Automated Sphygmomanom-
eters. This unit is to be used by adult consumers in a home environment. The patient is an 
intended operator. Do not use this device on infants or neonates. C5 is protected against 
manufacturing defects by an established International Warranty Program. For warranty 
information, you can contact your local distributors. 

  Attention: Consult the accompanying documents. Please read this man ual care-

fully before use. For specific information on your own blood pressure, contact 
your physician. Please be sure to keep this manual.

Pulse Arrhythmia (PARR) technology specifically detects the existence of pulse arrhythmia, 
including atrial fibrillation (AFib), Atrial and / or Ventricular Premature Contractions (PC). 
Pulse Arrhythmia may be related to cardiac disorders, needs medical attention and thus 
early diagnosis is of paramount importance. The PARR technology detects arrhythmia dur-
ing regular blood pressure checks without any additional user skills, user interaction and 
measurement prolongation. Beside the blood pressure diagnosis a specific pulse arrhyth-
mia diagnosis is provided with PARR.
Note:  The PARR detection of AFib and PC is provided with a clinically proven high detection 

probability [1]. However, the sensitivity and specificity is limited, thus most, but not all 
pulse arrhythmia will be detected and displayed. In certain patients with uncommon 
clinical conditions the PARR technology may not be able to detect pulse arrhyth-
mia. This partly comes from the fact that some arrhythmia can only be found with an 
ECG diagnosis, but not with a pulse diagnosis. Thus PARR is not meant to replace any 
medical ECG diagnosis by your doctor. PARR provides an early detection of certain 
pulse arrhythmia, which inevitably need to be presented to your doctor in charge.

Remark: [1]  Clinical Investigation of PARR - A new Oscillometric Pulse Arrhythmia Type Dis-

criminating Detection Technology.

The upper chambers of the heart (the atria) do not contract, but quiver and thus blood 
is driven irregularly and with lower efficiency into the ventricles. Subsequently irregular 
heartbeats occurs, which mostly are associated with a fast, yet highly instable heart rate. 
This condition is associated with a higher risk for the formation of cardiac blood clots. 
Amongst others, they may elevate the risk of brain strokes. Beside this atrial fibrillation 
may contribute to the severity of a chronic or acute heart failure condition and may be 
associated with other heart-related complications. Age dependent, about 10 % - 20 % 
percent of patients who suffer from an ischemic stroke also suffer from atrial fibrillation. 

Extra abnormal heartbeats generated in irregular excitation sites of your heart, either in the 
atria (PAC), the ventricle (PVC) or the cardiac conduction nodes (PNC). These extra beats 
may disrupt your regular rhythm, they may come in early or cause a significant pauses re-
garding your perceivable pulse. This is called palpitations, which can be felt in your chest. 
They may occur as isolated, single events, as a series of irregular pulses or can be distrib-
uted all over your pulse beats. If they are not related to mental stress, or acute demanding 
physical load, they may be a marker for a multitude of cardiac disorders. Some of these 
disorders go along with an elevated risk profile for ischemic events, either in the heart (e,g, 
coronary heart disease) or outside the heart, e.g. an elevated risk for a stroke. Some PCs may 
indicate on valvular or myocardial disorders and become very important if a myocarditis 
(infection of the heart muscle) is suspected. This unit is able to detect premature contrac-
tions. The ARR and PC icons ( 

 ) are displayed right after the measurement if premature 

contractions have been detected.
Note:  It is strongly recommended, that you consult your physician, if either the PC icon 

occurs newly for several times, or, if your PC is known to your doctor, but the inci-
dence of PC readings changes over time. Your doctor will then be able to provide all 
required medical test and possible therapeutic procedures.

Once the occurrence of pulse arrhythmia has been detected in the course of your blood 
pressure measurement, the icon ARR is displayed. In the case, that the found pulse arrhyth-
mia can be specified by the PARR technology, the ARR icon is accompanied by the specifi-
cally detected type of arrhythmia, e.g. PC or AFib. Once the kind of found pulse arrhythmia 
cannot be safely determined by PARR, the device is displaying ARR without any additional 
pulse arrhythmia type icon.
Note:  It is strongly recommended, that you consult your physician, if either the ARR icon 

occurs newly for several times, or, if your ARR is known to your doctor, but the inci-
dence of ARR readings changes over time. This is independent whether the ARR icon 
is specified by another pulse arrhythmia icon or not. Your doctor will then be able to 
provide all required medical test and possible therapeutic procedures.

The PARR technology is able to detect and display combined pulse arrhythmia findings.




Normal finding 


Pulse Arrhythmia without type-specific detection


Pulse Arrhythmia-Premature ventricular, atrial or nodal beat detection


Pulse Arrhythmia-Atrial fibrillation detection


Combined Pulse Arrhythmia: Atrial fibrillation & Premature beats detection

This unit uses the oscillometric method to detect your blood pressure. Before the cuff starts 
inflating, the device will establish a baseline cuff pressure equivalent to the air pressure. 
This unit will automatically determine the appropriate inflation level based on pressure 
oscillations, followed by cuff deflation.  
During the deflation, the device will detect the amplitude and slope of the pressure os-
cillations and thereby determine your actual the systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood 
pressure, and pulse rate.

This Blood Pressure Monitor complies with the European regulations and bears the CE 
mark “CE 1639”. The quality of the device has been verified and conforms to the provisions 
of the EC council directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive), Annex I essential require-
ments and applied harmonized standards.
EN 1060-1: 1995/A2: 2009 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 1 - General require-
EN 1060-3: 1997/A2: 2009 Non -invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 3 - Supplementary 
requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems
EN 1060-4: 2004 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 4: Test Procedures to determine 
the overall system accuracy of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers. 
ISO 81060-2: 2013 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 2: Clinical investigation of au-
tomated measurement type. 
This blood pressure monitor was designed for long service time. To ensure accurate meas-
urements, this monitor is recommended to be re-calibrated every two years.

Refer to the definitions of the World Health Organization, the blood pressure ranges can be 
classified into 6 grades. (Ref. 1999 WHO-International Society of Hypertension Guidelines 
for the management of Hypertension). This blood pressure classification are based on his-

If the cuff was applied too loosely, it may cause unreliable measurement results or meas-
urements can fail to start. The “Loose Cuff Detection” can help to determine if the cuff is 
wrapped snugly enough. The specified icon 

 appears once a “loosen cuff” has been 

detected during measurement. Otherwise the specified icon 

 appears if the cuff is 

wrapped correctly during measurement.

The “Movement Detection” helps reminding the user to remain still and is indicating any 
adverse body movement during measurement. The specified icon appears once a “body 
movement” has been detected during and after such a  measurement.
Note:  It’s highly recommended that you measure again if the icon 


This monitor has a non-stored single measurement function. Press the User-Switching key 
to select the memory zone of guest 

 , and follow the Measurement Procedure to take 

a measurement correctly. When the measurement is completed, the measurement value 
will not be stored in memory zone.

The World Health Organization, classifying blood pressure ranges into 6 grades. This unit 
is equipped with an innovative blood pressure risk indication, which visually indicates 
the assumed risk level (optimal / normal / high-normal/ grade 1 hypertension / grade 2 
hypertension / grade 3 hypertension) of your result, making the meaning of your findings 

EE / Measurement Error:

 Make sure the L-plug is securely connected to the air socket 

and calmly measure again. Wrap the cuff correctly around your arm and keep arm steady 
during measurement. If the error keeps occurring, return the device to your local distribu-
tor or service centre.

E1 / Air Circuit Abnormality:

 Make sure the L-Plug is securely connected to the air 

socket on the side of the unit and calmly measure again. If the errors still occur, return the 
device to your local distributor or service centre for help.

E2 / Pressure Exceeding 300 mmHg:

 Switch the unit off and measure again quietly. 

If the error keeps occurring, return the device to your local distributor or service centre. 

E3 / Data Error:

 Remove the batteries, wait for 60 seconds, and reload. If the error keeps 

occurring, return the device to your local distributor or service centre.

Er / Exceeding Measurement Range:

 Measure again quietly. If the error keeps occur-

ring, return the device to your local distributor or service centre.

1. Connect the AC adaptor with the AC adaptor jack on the right side of the unit.
2. Plug the AC adaptor into the socket. (AC adaptors with required voltage and current 

indicated near the AC adaptor jack.)


1.  Please unload the batteries when operating with the AC mode for a longer period 

of time . Leaving the batteries in the compartment for a long time may cause leak-
age, which may lead to damage of the unit.

2.  No batteries are needed when operating with the AC mode.
3.  AC adaptors are optional. Please contact the distributor for the compatible AC adap-


4.  Use only the authorized AC Adaptor with this blood pressure monitor. Information for 

the authorized AC adaptor, please refer to APPENDIX 1. 

1.  Press down and lift the battery cover in the direction of the arrow to open the battery 


2.  Install or replace 4 “AA” sized batteries in the battery compartment according to the 

indications inside the compartment.

3.  Replace the battery cover by clicking in the bottom hooks first, then push in the top 

end of the battery cover.

4.  Replace the batteries in pairs. Remove batteries when unit is not in use for extended 

periods of time.

You need to replace the batteries when
1. Low battery icon appears on display.
2. The ON/OFF/START key is pressed and nothing appears on display.

 1.  Batteries are hazardous waste. Do not dispose them together with the household 


2.  There are no user serviceable parts inside. Batteries or damage from old batteries are 

not covered by warranty.

3.  Use exclusively brand batteries. Always replace with new batteries together. Use batter-

ies of the same brand and same type. 


PARR(Pulse Arrhythmia) Technology

Atrial Fibrillation Detection (AFib)

Premature Contraction Detection (PC)

Pulse Arrhythmia Detection (ARR)

Real Fuzzy Measuring Technology

Preliminary Remarks

Blood Pressure Standard

Loose Cuff Detection

Name/Function of Each Part

Display Explanations

Movement Detection

Guest Mode

Hypertension Risk Indication (HRI)

Error Codes for your reference

Using the AC Adaptor (Optional)

Installing Batteries









1. Arm Cuff 
2. LCD Display 
3.  Air Tube and Connector 

4. User-Switching key
5. ON/OFF/START key 
6. Memory Key

Atrial fibrillation most often initially occurs with temporary periods of arrhythmia and may 
progress to a permanent state of this disorder in the course of time. No matter, whether 
you intent to safeguard yourself from an undetected AFib state, or you measure during an 
ongoing period of active atrial fibrillation, or you measure in between periods of AFib, the 
PARR technology can be applied at any of these conditions. This unit is able to detect Atrial 
fibrillation (AFib). The ARR and AFib icons ( 

 ) are displayed right after the measure-

ment if Atrial Fibrillation was detected.
Note:  It is strongly recommended, that you consult your physician, if either the AFib icon 

occurs newly for several times, or, if your AFib is known to your doctor, but the inci-
dence of AFib readings changes over time. Your doctor will then be able to provide 
all required medical test and possible therapeutic procedures. 

Note:  The presence of a cardiac pacemaker may impair the AFib detection by PARR.

7. Battery Cover
8. AC Adaptor Jack

Center tube over

 middle of arm

1.  Unwrap the arm cuff, leaving the end of the cuff through the D-ring of the cuff.
2.  Put your left arm through the cuff loop. The color strip indication should be positioned 

closer to you with the tube pointing in the direction of your arm (Fig. 

). Turn your left 

palm upward and place the edge of the arm cuff at approximately 1.5 to 2.5 cm above 
the inner side of the elbow joint (Fig. 

). Tighten the cuff by pulling the end of the cuff.

Applying the Cuff














1. Arrhythmia Detection (ARR)

2.  Atrial Fibrillation Detection (AFib)

3.  Premature Contraction 

Detection (PC)

4. Date/Time Indication

5. Weak Battery Mark

6. Movement Mark

7. Loose Cuff Detection

8. Hypertension Risk Indication

9. Morning and Nighttime Mark

10. Memory/Date Mark

11. Memory Average Mark

12. Bluetooth® Mark

13. Systolic Pressure

14. Diastolic Pressure

15. Pulse Rate

16. Pulse Mark

17. Memory Zone

torical data, and may not be directly applicable to any particular patient. It is important that 
you consult with your physician regularly.  Your physician will tell you your normal blood 
pressure range as well as the point at which you will be considered at risk. For reliable 
monitoring and reference of blood pressure, keeping long- term records is recommended. 
Please download the blood pressure log at our website

Blood Pressure Standard World Health Organization 

(WHO) : 1999

Systolic Pressure 


Diastolic Pressure 














Grade 1 hypertension (mild)




Grade 2 hypertension 





Grade 3 hypertension




Automatic Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor



 Blood Pressure 


Data Transfer via Bluetooth®

Please download and install 

the  applicable 


 onto your 


Summary of Contents for C5

Page 1: ...the sensitivity and specificity is limited thus most but not all pulse arrhythmia will be detected and displayed In certain patients with uncommon clinical conditions the PARR technology may not be able to detect pulse arrhyth mia This partly comes from the fact that some arrhythmia can only be found with an ECG diagnosis but not with a pulse diagnosis Thus PARR is not meant to replace any medical...

Page 2: ...eats detection This unit uses the oscillometric method to detect your blood pressure Before the cuff starts inflating the device will establish a baseline cuff pressure equivalent to the air pressure This unit will automatically determine the appropriate inflation level based on pressure oscillations followed by cuff deflation During the deflation the device will detect the amplitude and slope of ...

Page 3: ...LCD Display 3 Air Tube and Connector 4 User Switching key 5 ON OFF START key 6 Memory Key 7 Battery Cover 8 AC Adaptor Jack 5 13 1 2 3 14 15 4 9 8 6 7 10 11 12 16 17 1 Arrhythmia Detection ARR 2 Atrial Fibrillation Detection AFib 3 Premature Contraction Detection PC 4 Date Time Indication 5 Weak Battery Mark 6 Movement Mark 7 Loose Cuff Detection 8 Hypertension Risk Indication 9 Morning and Nightt...

Page 4: ...partment for a long time may cause leak age which may lead to damage of the unit 2 No batteries are needed when operating with the AC mode 3 AC adaptors are optional Please contact the distributor for the compatible AC adap tors 4 Use only the authorized AC Adaptor with this blood pressure monitor Information for the authorized AC adaptor please refer to APPENDIX 1 1 Press down and lift the batter...

Page 5: ...urement If the monitor is stored at very low temperature near freezing have it placed at a warm location for at least one hour before using it Wait 5 minutes before taking the next measurement 1 Press the User Switching key to select memory zone 1 memory zone 2 or guest mode After a memory zone is selected press the ON OFF START key to reset the monitor so it can start measurement in the chosen me...

Page 6: ...not automatically be transferred to the App In this case the value is saved in the selected user memory zone Please re pair this device with your smart phone and follow App instructions for Bluetooth transfer Notes 1 Unpairing your device will not delete the data from the App 2 If you re pair your smartphone with your blood pressure monitor all prior reading history stored on the phone App will be...

Page 7: ...idly for safety rea sons 12 Please note that this unit can be a home healthcare product but it is not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a physician or medical professional 13 Do not use this device for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or disease Meas urement results are for reference only Consult a healthcare professional for interpreta tion of pressure measurements C...

Page 8: ... 80 AM at 1 kHz NOTE1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz the higher frequency range applies NOTE2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures objects and people More information on EMC compliance of the device can be obtained from Accumed website www accumed ch IN0C50000000000XX AM_IB_C5 1 NA17BT_ EN_SW_ver2138 WARNING Th...
